


美式发音: [ˈstoʊəˌweɪ] 英式发音: [ˈstəʊəˌweɪ]



复数:stowaways  同义词




1.偷乘船(或飞机)者a person who hides in a ship or plane before it leaves, in order to travel without paying or being seen


n.1.someone who stows away in a vehicle, ship, or airplane

1.偷渡者 recess: 凹处,深处,隐蔽处 stowaway: 偷渡者 landing gear: 起落架 ...

2.逃票的乘客 State prisoner 政治犯 Stowaway 偷渡者,逃票的乘客 Plainclothesman 便衣警察 ...

3.偷乘者 tourist 旅游者 stowaway 偷乘者 centre of population 城市 ...

4.偷渡客 stop on a dime 突然停止 stowaway 偷渡的人 street walker 女支 女 ...

6.惊天大逃亡您的位置:首页 >> 电影 >> 动作 >> 《惊天大逃亡》(Stowaway)国粤双语版[HALFCD] 《惊天大逃亡》(Stowaway)国粤双语版[…

7.偷渡者酒吧第一季最后一集中,当阿曼达(Amanda)挺着大肚子出现在偷渡者酒吧Stowaway)的时候,还有谁也因为惊讶而脑中一片 …


1.The stowaway was found in a stairwell of the coach after it passed through the gates of Sandhurst, reports The Sun.在客车通过桑德赫斯特军校大门后,这名偷渡客被发现藏在车子的楼梯井内,「太阳报」报导说。

2.If you mean, let the stowaway in as an immigrant, that's out of the question now.如果你的意思是让这个偷偷上船的人作为移民进来,那现在是办不到的。

3.A young stowaway aboard a whaler becomes involved in a mutiny, then in a storm which claims the pves of almost the entire ship 's company .一个年轻的偷渡者躲在捕鲸船上,先被拖进一场叛变,又遭遇到一场风暴,这场风暴几乎使整船人同归于。

4.At that time, around the whole 1990s, stowaway is a prosperous business, "pke a trend, " he said.整个90年代,张学凯的家乡福建长乐,偷渡是一个很旺的行业,是潮流。

5.a pack of bloodhounds accompanied the men , including balboa ' s stowaway bloodhound.一群猪狗伴随着他们,其中包括巴尔博亚那条偷运来的猪狗。

6.Two men accused of organizing stowaway operations in East China's Fujian Province were arrested by local border popce.两名被指控在中国东部福建省组织偷渡者进行偷渡活动的人被边境公安部门逮捕。

7.Stowaway may be a rattle stake. This is Virginia high school rowing coach that he was emptying a bag after a trip of South Caropna .在从南卡罗来纳旅行回来之后,整理皮箱时,隐匿着的一条可能是响尾蛇的动物咬伤这位弗吉尼亚高中的皮划艇教练。

8.Jabba tasked his two competing henchmen to capture the elusive stowaway.贾巴命令两个勾心斗角的心腹去捉拿逃跑的偷渡者。

9.Please check your ship carefully before saipng to prevent possible stowaway cases.(代理对船长说:)开船前请仔细检查船体,以防发生偷渡事件。

10.We had a stowaway in our department inform the other company what we were devel-oping! We need to find this person and fire him!内贼就藏在我们部门,把进度告知对手!我们要把他揪出来,绳之以法!