


美式发音: [ˈmaʊi] 英式发音: [ˈmaui]





un.1.second largest island of Hawaii, consisting of two oval peninsulas connected by an isthmus.

1.茂宜岛茂宜岛Maui)有“魔幻之岛”的美称,这里有细白绵延的沙滩、有茂密的雨林、有独特的火山公园,这里也有世界上最好的浮潜 …

2.毛伊岛与毛伊岛(Maui)、瓦胡岛(Oahu)、拉奈岛(Lanai)相邻。摩洛凯岛的昵称是“友善之岛”(The Friendly Isle)。

3.茂伊岛茂伊岛(Maui)是仅次於欧胡岛,发展第二的岛,也是赏座头鲸的好地方。至於大岛(Big Island),则有雪跟活火山,两样在夏威夷 …

4.夏威夷毛伊岛夏威夷毛伊岛 (Maui) 的Four Seasons Resort Maui at Wailea酒店游泳池夏威夷毛伊岛 (Maui) 的Four Seasons Resort Maui at …

5.夏威夷茂宜岛正在夏威夷茂宜岛Maui)与Nicole Kidman和Adam Sandler拍摄电影"Just Go With It"评论 重要提示:警惕虚假中奖信息 岛国 …


1.Moore also explained recent nude photos of him taken near a gay beach in Maui.穆尔还解释最近的裸体照片他带到附近的一个海滩同志在毛伊岛。

2.The remarkable photograph of a 'moonbow' was taken by Wally Pacholka, as he looked over the Halkeakala crater on Maui Island in Hawaii.这张引人注目的月虹照片是由WallyPacholka游览参观夏威夷毛伊岛哈雷阿卡拉火山口时拍摄下来的。

3.Hence he sold in a German company in Hawaii maui mountains bought land, and opened the breed sheep farm, and choose such a strange name.于是他就卖了在德国的公司,在夏威夷毛伊岛的山里买了块地,开了养羊的农场,并取了这么个怪的名字。

4.However, most people know Hawaii only by six of these islands: Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai , Maui, and the Big Island Honolulu.但是,大多数人仅仅知道夏威夷的六个岛屿:考艾岛、瓦胡岛、莫洛凯岛、拉奈岛、毛伊岛以及火奴鲁鲁岛。

5.QUESTION: What was your reaction when you learned that the Maui Film Festival was going to give you its Shining Star Award?问:当你得知毛伊岛电影节要给你颁发这个奖的时候,你的反应是毛?

6.en route from Honolulu to Hilo, Hawaii, encountered a serious problem as it flew over Maui: Both pilots were fast asleep.从夏威夷州火奴鲁鲁飞往该州希洛的一个航班在飞越毛伊岛时遇到了严重的问题:两名飞行员都睡着了。

7.Michelle and John were on their honeymoon and they were looking for a pttle adventure while they stayed in Maui .蜜雪儿和约翰正在度蜜月,想要在茂伊岛度假期间来点小小的冒险。

8.Two days later, Adam and I landed in Maui and drove straight to the lawyer's office.两天后,我和亚当(Adam)抵达毛伊岛,直接前往律师事务所。

9.Scheduler (Open PBS and Maui) installation for automatic management of multiple users submitting jobs to the cluster.安装调度器(OpenPBS和Maui),用于多个用户将作业提交到集群上的自动管理。

10.Maui, a mostly rural island of 140, 000 known more for big-wave surfing and five-star resorts, is an unpkely place for a spy saga.毛伊岛,多数农村岛屿的一十四点零零零万著名更多的大波冲浪和五星级度假,是一个不太可能发生的间谍故事。