




1.圣派翠克然也就和许多传统节日一样,也有它的古老由来罗!圣派屈克(St. Patrick)的传奇泛著年代久远的光泽,传说与真实的历史互 …

5.圣帕特里克节夕,必须由他在山上点火,宣称春到人间,那­年爱尔兰圣人圣柏爵克St. Patrick)在Slane山上在国王之先,燃点火炬,国 …

7.圣派翠哥大教堂进入时尚大街-第五大道(5th Ave)、纽约地标圣派翠哥大教堂(St. Patrick)、洛克菲勒中心(Rockefeller Center),上到位于洛 …

8.圣派特瑞克公元432年,圣派特瑞克St. Patrick)从欧洲大陆抵达了爱尔兰,同时也开始了将这些盖尔人转化为基督徒的过程。一般相信…


1.But how much do you know about St. Patrick himself?但您对圣派翠克本人有多了解?

2.So on this St. Patrick's Day, remember them as they would wish to be remembered. Read a book.所以,在这个圣帕特里克节,我们当缅怀那些爱尔兰人,以一种他们也觉甚好的方式,那就是——看本书吧。

3.At St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York on Tuesday, a woman said, "I prayed to God to give us a sign that He is still here. "在星期二纽约圣派区克大教堂里,一位妇女说:“我向上帝祈祷,请求他给我们一个指示,证明他依然在”。

4.If being chased through town, you can usually take cover in a passing St. Patrick's Day parade - at any time of the year.如果在城里被人追赶,你总能以经过的圣派特里克节日游行队伍作掩护,不管是一年中什么时候。

5.When you think of St. Patrick's Day you probably think of four-leaf clovers and leprechauns, right?当您听到圣派翠克日时,您也许会想到四叶幸运草及小妖精?

6.The cross of St Andrew is above that of St Patrick at the hoist because the cross was added to the flag before St Patrick's cross.在旗杆内侧,圣安德鲁旗之所以在圣帕特里克十字之上,原因是圣安德鲁十字是在圣帕特里克十字之前添加到国旗上的。

7.St. Patrick's Irish Red Cross water meters and re-flag banner with the words, and thus the word today meter flag.爱尔兰圣帕特里克的白地红色交叉型旗再度与米字旗合并,从而形成了今天的米字旗。

8.Heroin dealers occasionally use seasonal themes as well, pke drugs colored green around St. Patrick's Day.海洛因贩子偶尔也会使用季节性的主题,如圣帕特里克节前后给毒品粉饰以绿色。

9.You were taught, my dear, that St Patrick banished all the SNAKES from Ireland.你曾被教导,我的挚爱,StPatrick驱逐了所有在爱尔兰的卑鄙小人。

10.Popular Irish toasts on St Patrick's Day, include: may the roof above us never fall in, and may we friends beneath it never fall out.爱尔兰圣帕特里克节的流行祝酒语包括:愿头上屋顶不倒,屋下朋友不分。