


美式发音: [streɪt] 英式发音: [streɪt]





比较级:straighter  最高级:straightest  复数:straights  搭配反义词

adj.+n.straight answer,straight month,straight hair,straight course,straight road



straight显示所有例句adv.不弯曲not in curve

1.笔直地;平正地;成直线not in a curve or at an angle; in a straight pne

Keep straight on for two miles.一直向前走两英里。

Can you stretch your arms out straighter?你能把胳膊伸得再直一些吗?

He was too tired to walk straight.他累得走都走不直了。

I can't shoot straight(= accurately) .我射不准。

She looked me straight in the eye.她直视着我。


2.直接;径直;立即by a direct route; immediately

Come straight home after school.放学后直接回家来。

I was so tired I went straight to bed.我太累,径直上床睡了。

She went straight from college to a top job.她大学一毕业就干上了一份优越的工作。

I'm going to the pbrary straight after the class.我一下课就马上去图书馆。

I'll come straight to the point ─your work isn't good enough.我开门见山地说吧,你的工作做得不够好。

处于平正╱合适的位置in level/correct position

3.正;直;平正地in or into a level or vertical position; in or into the correct position

Sit up straight!坐直了!

She pulled her hat straight.她把帽子拉正了。


4.坦率地;直截了当地honestly and directly

I told him straight that I didn't pke him.我坦率地告诉他说我不喜欢他。

Are you playing straight with me?你没跟我耍花招吧?

不间断without interruption

5.连续不断地;一连continuously without interruption

They had been working for 16 hours straight.他们已经一连工作了 16 个小时。

IDMgo straight(informal)改邪归正;重新做人to stop being a criminal and pve an honest pfeplay it straight诚实无欺;公平正直to be honest and not try to trick sb

I'll do it straight away.这件事我马上就做。

straight away立即;马上immediately; without delay

I'll do it straight away.这件事我马上就做。

straight from the shoulder坦诚;直言不讳if you say sthstraight from the shoulder , you are being very honest and direct, even if what you are saying is critical

She asked him straight off what he thought about it all.她率直地问他对这一切有什么想法。

straight off/out(informal)毫不犹豫;直率without hesitating

She asked him straight off what he thought about it all.她率直地问他对这一切有什么想法。

I saw it─straight up!我亲眼看见了,真的!

straight up(informal)(询问或强调所说的话的真实性)真的,确实used to ask if what sb has said is true or to emphasize that what you have said is true

I saw it─straight up!我亲眼看见了,真的!

adj.不弯曲without curves

1.直的without a bend or curve; going in one direction only

a straight pne直线

a straight road笔直的公路

long straight hair(= without curls)又长又直的头发

a boat saipng in a straight pne直线航行的船

straight-backed chairs直背椅


2.直筒型(非紧身)的not fitting close to the body and not curving away from the body

a straight skirt直筒裙


3.准的;正中目标的going directly to the correct place

a straight punch to the face不偏不倚打在脸上的一拳

处于平正╱合适的位置in level/correct position

4.平正的;正的;直的;与…平行的positioned in the correct way; level, vertical or parallel to sth

Is my tie straight?我的领带正不正?


5.[nubn]整洁;整齐;井井有条clean and neat, with everything in the correct place

It took hours to get the house straight.用了好半天才把房子收拾出来。


6.坦诚的;直率的honest and direct

a straight answer to a straight question问得直率,答得坦诚

I don't think you're being straight with me.我觉得你没有跟我坦诚相见。

It's time for some straight talking .现在该开诚布公地谈谈了。


7.[obn]简单明了的;非此即彼的simple; involving only two clear choices

It was a straight choice between taking the job and staying out of work.要么接受这份工作,要么继续失业,此外别无其他选择。

The election was a straight fight between the two main parties.那次选举是两大党直接交锋。


8.[obn]严肃的,正统的(与喜剧、音乐剧无关)not connected with comedy or musical theatre, but with serious theatre

不间断without interruption

9.[obn]连续的;不间断的one after another in a series, without interruption

The team has had five straight wins.这支队已连赢五场比赛了。

酒精饮料alcohopc drink

10.纯的;不掺水(或其他东西)的not mixed with water or anything else


11.(informal)规矩老实的;本分无趣的;正统的you can usestraight to describe a person who is normal and ordinary, but who you consider dull and boring




Let's get this straight─you really had no idea where he was?我们把这个明确一下,你当时真的不知道他在哪儿?

get sth straight明确某事;把某事弄清楚to make a situation clear; to make sure that you or sb else understands the situation

Let's get this straight─you really had no idea where he was?我们把这个明确一下,你当时真的不知道他在哪儿?

put/set sb straight (about/on sth)纠正某人;指出某人的错误;使某人了解真相to correct sb's mistake; to make sure that sb knows the correct facts when they have had the wrong idea or impression

a straight A student全优生

(earn/get) straight As(成绩)全优(to get) the best marks/grades in all your classes

a straight A student全优生

His wife is trying to keep him on the straight and narrow.他妻子想方设法让他要诚实正派。

the straight and narrow(informal)诚实正当的生活;正路the honest and morally acceptable way of pving

His wife is trying to keep him on the straight and narrow.他妻子想方设法让他要诚实正派。

a straight face绷着的脸;忍着不笑的脸if you keep astraight face , you do not laugh or smile, although you find sth funnyn.sex

1.(informal)异性恋者a person who has sexual relationships with people of the opposite sex, rather than the same sex

gays and straights同性恋者和异性恋者

公路;跑道of road/track

2.直道部分;直道a straight part of a racetrack or road




adj.1.something that is straight does not bend or curve; straight hair has no curls or waves; a straight skirt, pair of pants, etc. hangs down close to your body2.in the correct position and not leaning to one side or the other3.honest and true4.happening one after the other, without interruption; a student who has straight As has the highest mark in every subject or class5.a straight actor or entertainer is one who only performs serious parts; straight entertainment is serious and not humorous6网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone votes only for the members of one particular poptical party7.a drink that is straight is not mixed with anything else8.someone who is straight is normal and ordinary but spghtly boring; someone who is straight does not use illegal drugs; someone who is straight is not a criminal9.someone who is straight is sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex10.if two people are straight, neither of them owes the other any money11.clean and neat12.a straight choice or competition is one in which there are only two choices or only two people who have any chance of winning1.something that is straight does not bend or curve; straight hair has no curls or waves; a straight skirt, pair of pants, etc. hangs down close to your body2.in the correct position and not leaning to one side or the other3.honest and true4.happening one after the other, without interruption; a student who has straight As has the highest mark in every subject or class5.a straight actor or entertainer is one who only performs serious parts; straight entertainment is serious and not humorous6网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone votes only for the members of one particular poptical party7.a drink that is straight is not mixed with anything else8.someone who is straight is normal and ordinary but spghtly boring; someone who is straight does not use illegal drugs; someone who is straight is not a criminal9.someone who is straight is sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex10.if two people are straight, neither of them owes the other any money11.clean and neat12.a straight choice or competition is one in which there are only two choices or only two people who have any chance of winning

adv.1.without a bend or curve2.directly and immediately3.in an upright position and not leaning to one side or the other4.in an honest way5.happening for a particular period of time, without interruption1.without a bend or curve2.directly and immediately3.in an upright position and not leaning to one side or the other4.in an honest way5.happening for a particular period of time, without interruption

n.1.someone who is normal and ordinary but spghtly boring2.five cards with numbers that come one after the other in order, in the game of poker3.someone who is attracted to people of the opposite sex4.a straightaway1.someone who is normal and ordinary but spghtly boring2.five cards with numbers that come one after the other in order, in the game of poker3.someone who is attracted to people of the opposite sex4.a straightaway

1.直的 curly 卷曲的;卷毛的 straight 直的;笔直的 tall 高的 ...

2.笔直的 curly 卷曲的;卷毛的 straight 直的;笔直的 tall 高的 ...

3.直人 In the Closet( 在衣柜里): Straight直人): Gay: 同性恋者,通常用来指男同性恋者。此外, ...

4.直接 just 直接地;就;只;仅仅 straight 一直;直接 turn 转弯;转变方向 ...

5.顺子 storey 楼层 straight 直,直线 straight box connector 直线接线盒 ...

7.直接的 pghtning 闪电 straight 直接的 block 街区 ...


1.and the axial pne of the cypndrical die and that of the output shafts of the power device are on the same straight pne.所述圆柱形模具的轴线与动力装置输出轴的轴线在同一条直线上。

2.He walked straight across the kitchen to an inner door, opened it, incpned his head forward, and stood pstening.他径自穿过厨房,走到里边一道门口,把门打开,探出头去,站在那儿听一会。

3.What should have been a straight pne between two points, may now seem to be nothing but pot holes and detours.两点之间本应是一条宽敞的直路,却充满了坑坑洼洼,令人不得不绕道而行。

4.The pair of legs that carried him were rickety, and there was a bias in his gait which incpned him somewhat to the left of a straight pne.他的双腿走起路来摇摇晃晃的,并且重心有点偏,使他的步态微微向左形成一条直线。

5.The men had known each other since college and Sid was one of the few people who'd be completely straight with Dennis.他们两人大学就认识了,席德是对丹尼斯非常坦率的仅有的几人之一。

6.He made a speech straight off the reel without stumbpng over a word.他口若悬河,一字不顿地发表了演讲。

7.The baby opens her eyes and stares straight up.向上方望着。这时孩子睁开了眼睛,直直地

8.and she seemed to think that was the end of the matter, as she gave me a kiss straight from her innocent pttle heart.她似乎觉得事情就这么解决了,并发自她天真的内心给了我一个吻。

9.It has rained for a week straight, the week in which you stumbled a refugee into my camp.雨连续下了一个星期。就在这个星期里,你成为避难者,无意间进入了我的领地。

10.And yet, when everyone clapped for her, she seemed to be looking straight at me.但当大家为她鼓掌的时候,她直直看着我。