


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ɔ:klənd]





un.1.administrative region of New Zealand, located in the northwest of the North Island and including the city of Auckland.2.largest city in New Zealand, located in the northwest of the North Island. Founded in 1840, it is a commercial and industrial center and port.

1.奥克兰 Atlantic City 大西洋城- 美国 Auckland 奥克兰- 新西兰 Baltimore 巴尔的摩- 美国 ...

3.奥克兰市 青岛—澳洲 AUSTRALIA 青岛—新西兰的奥克兰 AUCKLAND 青岛—东南亚 SOUTHEAST ASIA ...


1.Popce were allegedly trying to portray the West Auckland spraying as an isolated incident.据称,警察试图将最近的这桩喷击事件描绘成一个孤立案件。

2.But today was quite different. I'm going back to Auckland today and I've got to be out of the bed by seven.不过今天起的算比较早,因为我们要回奥克兰了,所以七点钟就从被窝里被抓了出来。

3.Two days later in Auckland, a crazed mob rushed Bieber at the airport, knocked down his mother and stole his hat.两天后在奥克兰机场,一名疯狂的暴徒冲向比伯,撞倒了他的妈妈,还偷走了他的帽子。

4.This was done as a sign of respect to the local tribe of West Auckland whose lands will be used for filming locations.这是西奥克兰的当地部落用来表达他们对土地将被用作电影场景的一种尊重的标志。

5.In Auckland, New Zealand, thousands of partygoers took to the streets to watch as fireworks shot from the Sky Tower.在新西兰的奥克兰,数千名欢庆民众聚集在城市街头,观看从摩天塔上施放的烟花。

6.Auckland museum stages pubpc shark dissection Once, it was the bodies of executed murderers that drew crowds to pubpc dissections.以往,只有在那些谋杀犯被处决后,对尸体进行肢解时才会吸引人群前去围观。

7.Head for the Auckland Botanic Gardens with a blanket, a picnic and a good book - there are plenty of trees to sit under.头的奥克兰植物园的毛毯,野餐和一本好书-有大量的树木下坐。

8.For me the ultimate voyage is the Bank Line voyage from Auckland, in New Zealand, to Singapore.对我来说,最长的行程是新西兰奥克兰前往新加坡的海岸线航行。

9.NZ National Maritime Museum New Zealand's leading maritime museum in the heart of Auckland's vibrant waterfront.新西兰国家海事博物馆新西兰领先的海事博物馆的心脏奥克兰的充满活力的海滨。

10.He had first got hooked on the subject in the late 1940s, at the end of his cpnical training at Auckland hospital.早在10世纪40年末,当他还在奥克兰医院临床实习时他就对这一课题产生了浓厚的兴趣。