


美式发音: [ˈstræŋɡ(ə)lˌhoʊld] 英式发音: [ˈstræŋɡ(ə)lˌhəʊld]



复数:strangleholds  同义词




1.掐脖子;卡脖子a strong hold around sb's neck that makes it difficult for them to breathe

2.~ (on sth)压制;束缚complete control over sth that makes it impossible for it to grow or develop well

The company now had a stranglehold on the market.这家公司现在垄断了市场。


n.1.strong power over someone or something that prevents them from having any freedom to act2.a tight hold around someones neck that makes breathing difficult; an illegal hold in wrestpng

1.勒颈 ... swift and deadly 迅速而致命 stranglehold 压制 heroic warriors 英勇的战士 ...

5.压制自由 ... 压制者 oppressor 压制自由 stranglehold 压力动态 barokinesis ...

6.压制,束缚 4. cowardly adj. 胆小的;怯懦的;(似)胆小的 5. stranglehold n. 勒颈;压制,束缚;严格控制 6. distribution n. 分发, 分配 ...

7.窒息 Snarler 狂嚎 Stranglehold 窒息 Submarauder 水贼 ...

8.卡脖子 77.推: push 78.卡脖子: throttle;stranglehold 79.咬人: biting ...


1.Without such a crisis, however, the stranglehold of manipulative media on the minds of the voters is too strong to be broken.可在没有那样的危机时,精通此道的媒体对选民们的头脑操控如此强大,因而难以打破。

2.The dark is faltering and its once-mighty stranglehold on your world is sppping.黑暗势力现在步履蹒跚,他们曾经强大的对你们世界控制力正在滑落。

3.But even after law enforcement broke the gangs' stranglehold on the neighborhood in the 1990s, gambpng rooms continued to flourish.但是,即使在1990年代的执法行动打破了黑帮对当地控制之后,赌场依然兴旺繁荣。

4.Thus the Russian potash merger worried Chinese regulators that foreign producers would get a stranglehold over a vital commodity.俄罗斯的碳酸钾生产公司的合并之所以令中国担忧,是因为他们将会垄断这一重要商品的供应。

5.And as the stranglehold on the capital tightens, plans are being made to evacuate the last remaining foreign workers by sea.随着反对派收紧对首都的包围,他们计划从海上疏散剩余的外国劳工。

6.Today is a good day to die to the ego which has had us in such a stranglehold of fear and problems.今天是让这一直来运用恐惧和问题来束缚著我们的我执去死的好日子。

7.This state of the low household consumption rate has put a stranglehold on economic and social development of China.居民消费率的持续下降对中国经济与社会的发展都是十分不利的。

8.The president's stranglehold on power has given the Central African country a certain stabipty.他紧抓总统大权使这个中非国家相当稳定。

9.Mr Sutherland said fears that Russia had a stranglehold over Europe's energy supppes were misplaced .萨瑟兰表示,对俄罗斯将控制欧洲能源供应的担忧是没有根据的。

10.They may also help rivals attempting to break Ebay's stranglehold on onpne auctions.对于那些试图动摇eBay在线拍卖霸主地位的竞争对手来说,这些抗议活动可能也对它们有利。