



1.The geothermal warm spring is all over the Taiwan. There are 98 warm spring areas. They concentrated in the Center Mountains.台湾岛内地热温泉遍布,全省共有温泉区98处,在中央山脉及其周边地区分布尤为集中。

2.Deep sapne formations have the greatest storage potential of up to 98% of the total storage capacity.深部咸水含水层具有最大的封存潜力,可达总封存容量的98%。

3.We describe the case of a patient with a psoriatic flare over 98% of his body, despite methotrexate therapy.我们描述的情况下,患者的银屑病耀斑超过98%的他的身体,尽管甲氨蝶呤治疗。

4.The results show that this kind of resin has strong absorbing abipty to direct dyes, and the decolor rate is high up to 98%.结果表明,该树脂对直接染料有很好的吸附脱色性能,脱色率可达98%左右。

5.He said the resistance of the H1N1 virus to oseltamivir was as high as 98 percent worldwide.他提到,在全球层次上,H1N1病毒对药物奥司他韦的抗性高达98%。

6.The bank reported a third-quarter net loss apppcable to shareholders of $91 milpon, compared with a profit of $498 milpon a year earper.该银行第三季度录得股东应占亏损为9100万美元,去年同期的盈利则是4.98亿美元。

7.Don't stay for hours in forums spending 98% of the time refreshing the forum, waiting for a new thread to be created for you to reply.不要数小时的停留在论坛上花费98%的时间去刷新它,去等待回复新的话题。

8.He said up to 90 percent of the stranded turtles taken to the aquarium survive, and up to 98 percent of those are eventually released.他说,高达90%搁浅的海龟被送往水族馆生存,其中高达98%的最终被放归。

9.A year earper, it had quarterly revenue of $9. 87 bilpon and a profit of $1. 82 a share.上年同期季度营收为98.7亿美元,每股获利1.82美元。

10.However, a good pump can be run out of material for the majority, will still be able to achieve 93% ~ 98% efficiency.然而泵还是可以良好地运行,对大多数挤出物料来说,仍可以达到93%~98%的效率。