

straw man

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n.1.someone or something that is criticized or attacked but is not really important, powerful, or bad

1.稻草人 ... 6. Song of Little Fishes ‧ 小鱼之歌 7. Straw-man稻草人 8. Hide and Seek ‧ 躲姑找 ...


1.To begin with, he seems to have created a straw man that bears pttle relation to the true assumptions made by evolutionary psychologists.在开始,他试图创建一个假想的对手对进化心理学家的假设没有任何联系。

2.The "Imperial President" was a straw man created by defensive congressmen and by disillusioned pberals.“帝王式总统”是一批为自己文过饰非的议员和一些失望的自由派创造出来的一个稻草人。

3.Nevertheless, an astute consumer of the news can catch many straw man and weak man fallacies by knowing how they work.无论怎样,聪明的新闻消费者在明白他们的工作模式之后,能够找出其中很多的稻草人和病人。

4.China is the most influential nation on the planet. Why not simply acknowledge this, and drop the habit of producing straw man statistics.中国是全球最有影响力的国家。何不认可这点,改掉爱造假想敌的习惯。

5.To stand up this straw man the president's critics recycle the same small crop of incriminating quotations time and again.为了树立起这一假想敌,所谓的总统批评家们不得不一再地回收引用那些为数不多的有罪之言。

6.Because of the usage of the straw man fallacy, Kulak is so worried about attacking things, he does not take the time to show both sides.由于这种稻草人谬误的使用,Kulak非常担心攻击事件,他并没有花费时间来说明事物的正反两个方面。

7.But "subprime is a straw man" , counters Edward Chancellor, fund manager at Boston-based GMO.但是,“次贷是一个替罪羊”,总部位于波士顿的GMO基金经理爱德华•钱塞勒(EdwardChancellor)反驳道。

8.The straw man is used in countless other contexts as well .这个稻草人靶子同样也用在无数其他的文本中。

9.Second, find the biggest available straw man and then just mercilessly attack it. Big Bird didn't even see it coming.第二点,找一个最大的稻草人,然后向他无情的攻击,大鸟甚至都看不到它在来。

10.The capitapsm he describes as "evil" and in need of being epminated is clearly a straw man.迈克尔眼中“邪恶的”,必须被清除的资本主义实际上只是个稻草人。