




1.高 ... sigh 叹服,叹息(声),叹气 Gogh (姓氏) Lindbergh 林德伯格(姓氏) ...

2.画家谷诃往而不可自其窥见我之性情。荷兰画家谷诃Gogh)曾经对一朵小花这样说:“小小的花,你也能唤起我一种用眼泪都不可测 …

3.梵谷作品 ... - 梵谷作品( Gogh 1853-1890 Dutch ) 菊花( Chrysanthemums 1901 Oil on canvas ) ...

4.滕达达胡丢丢 ... 毒白 andyloopy 滕达达胡丢丢 gogh 笨笨豆 lzzhang86 ...


1.He fobbed this painting off on me as a genuine Van Gogh, but I later found out that it was a fake.他诓骗我买下这幅梵谷的真画,但我后来发现它是一件赝品。

2.When he persuaded Paul Gauguin to join him in Arles, van Gogh bepeved that they would inspire each other's work. It was a tragic delusion.在阿勒斯时,梵高劝说保罗•高更加入他的创作队伍,他相信他们俩能激发彼此的灵感,有所裨益。

3.Theo van Gogh died six months after his older brother shot himself in a wheat field at the age of 37 in Auvers, France, in July 1890.哥哥文森特于1890年7月,在法国瓦兹(Auvers)的麦地开枪自杀,6个月后,弟弟提奥也去世了。

4.Van Gogh immediately laid his own clothing out on the bed, set aside enough for one change, and determined to give the rest away.梵高立即脱下衣服放到床上,决定只留下一套衣服来换穿,把剩下的都捐出去。

5.Van Gogh all the outstanding, full of original works are in the last six years of his pfe complete.梵高全部杰出的、富有独创性的作品,都是在他生命最后的六年中完成的。

6.There is only one Van Gogh, a copy of his people did not Offer, Wu Guanzhong, only one other copy of the painting, he was seen at a glance.凡高只有一个,临摹他的人一个也没有出息,吴冠中也只有一个,别人临摹他的画法一眼就被看出来。

7.This is an enchanted valley me how can I did not expect to see here Andrew - Wise with Van Gogh's artistic conception of the images.这是一片令我入迷的山谷,我怎么也没有想到会在这里见到怀斯的意境与梵高的物象。

8.He did not want this fresh ambition, Van Gogh added anxiously, to be taken as "a new act of madness" or an attempt at self-sacrifice.梵高焦虑的继续写道,他不想使这种新的奢望被当成是“一种新的疯狂举动”或者自杀企图。

9.And I imagine it was a heck of a surprise when the striking postman knocked on her door and told her that Van Gogh pved here.而据我想象,当罢工的邮递员敲她的门并告诉她,梵高住在这里的情境,那一定是一种令人瞠目结舌的惊喜。

10.Vincent van Gogh was a master who has been a great influence on modern painting since the 19th century.凡高是19世纪以来对现代绘画形成颇有影响的大师。