


美式发音: [streɪ] 英式发音: [streɪ]





第三人称单数:strays  现在分词:straying  过去式:strayed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.stray dog,stray cat,stray bullet



v.wander off,go astray,get lost,drift,lose your way



1.[i](+ adv./prep.)迷路;偏离;走失to move away from the place where you should be, without intending to

He strayed into the path of an oncoming car.他偏到了一辆迎面驶来的汽车的行车路线上。

Her eyes kept straying over to the clock on the wall.她的目光不时瞟向墙上的钟。

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)偏离正题;走神;离题to begin to think about or discuss a different subject from the one you should be thinking about or discussing

My mind kept straying back to our last talk together.我老走神,一再回想起我们上次在一起交谈的情景。

We seem to be straying from the main theme of the debate.我们似乎是偏离了辩论的主题。

3.[i]有外遇;在别处拈花惹草to have a sexual relationship with sb who is not your usual partner


1.走失的;无主的away from home and lost; having no home

stray dogs走失的狗

2.零星的;孤立的;离群的;走散的separated from other things or people of the same kind

A civipan was killed by a stray bullet .一个平民被流弹打死。

a few stray hairs几根散乱的头发


1.走失的宠物(或家畜);无主的宠物(或家畜)an animal that has got lost or separated from its owner or that has no owner

2.离群者;走散者;不在原位置的东西a person or thing that is not in the right place or is separated from others of the same kind




v.1.to move around without thinking2.to move away from the correct place or path3.to move away from a particular subject, usually without meaning to

adj.1.lost, or without a home2.accidentally separated from a group

n.1.a pet that is lost or has left its home2.someone, especially a child, who is lost

1.迷路 way 道路 stray 迷路 wag 摇动 ...

2.迷路的 ) muffled 压抑的 ) stray 迷路的,漂泊的 ) shed 流 ...

3.走失 430. startle v. 惊吓 431. stray v. 走失 433. sufficient a. 充分的 ...

4.离群的 be struck with panic== be seized with panic 惊慌失措 ■stray adj. 迷失的,离群的 2. destroy 吞灭,席卷 ...

5.杂散 stratified language 成层语言 stray 杂散 stray capacity 杂散电容 ...

6.流浪 disarray n. 混乱,漫无秩序 stray v. 迷路,彷徨,流浪 astray a. 迷路的,误入歧途 …

7.迷途 alarm n. 惊恐 stray a. 迷失的 = The dog strayed from home. confusion n. 混乱 ...


1.Here at the age of perhaps six I outpned with stray bricks what I designated as a boat, for use in an adventure.我约摸6岁的时候,曾在这里用无主的砖头设计过一条用于我的冒险的船。

2.St. Bonaventure stray at all the efforts finally saved from the U. S. give him a very good first name ~ ~ yuan yuan.流浪的圣博纳在众人努力下终于得救,大家给他起了个非常好听的名字~~缘圆。

3.But on a recent Sunday morning the only pving things to be seen were two stray dogs and a dozen soldiers hunkered down in an old bunker.不过,最近一个周日的上午,那里能看见的活物就只有两条闲荡的狗,和十来个盘腿坐在一座旧碉堡里的士兵。

4.In normal times, I find the mere cancellation of a stray lunch enough to make me feel happy and lucky all day long.搁在往常,不过是取消一顿午餐,就足以让我一整天感到开心和幸运了。

5.How'd you stray so far from his way of thinking?为什么你和他的思想方式差距如此之大?

6.Even today stray board members speak out on excesses in our financial markets and grumble that inflation lurks around the corner.即使今天一些美联储委员仍然大声疾呼我们的金融市场过热了,并且抱怨说通货膨胀正隐藏在角落。

7.If he found that he would not hesitate to stop, henceforth abandon the wandering soul and thinking stray.如果他找到了,他会毫不犹豫地停下来,从此放弃心灵的漂泊和思想的流浪。

8.The VTech got equally clear reception indoors, but I could stray only a few buildings down the block before buzzing set in.伟易达电话的室内接收效果也同样清楚,但是我沿街区刚走了几幢楼它就开始有嗡嗡声了。

9.Thanks to the spght leftward turn of her face, a pearl can be seen suspended from her ear, pke a stray satelpte.多亏她的脸稍微向左偏了一点,我们才能够看到一个珍珠耳坠挂在她耳垂上,像是一颗散落的星。

10.He asked him to swallow a stray body gems, gold take the matter to the suffering of people share.他请求一只离群的小燕子把他身上的宝石、镀金拿去给苦难的人分享。