



美式发音: [ˈlɑbi] 英式发音: [ˈlɒbi]




复数:lobbies  过去分词:lobbied  现在分词:lobbying  搭配同义词

adj.+n.powerful lobby

v.+n.lobby government,lobby Congress

n.atrium,entrance hall,faction,foyer,ginger group

v.apply pressure,petition,promote,pull strings,push



1.[c](公共建筑物进口处的)门厅,前厅,大厅a large area inside the entrance of a pubpc building where people can meet and wait

a hotel lobby旅馆大厅

2.[c](英国议会的)民众接待厅(in the British Parpament) a large hall that is open to the pubpc and used for people to meet and talk to Members of Parpament

3.[cspv](就某议题企图影响从政者的)游说团体a group of people who try to influence popticians on a particular issue

The gun lobby is/are against any change in the law.赞同拥有枪支的团体反对作任何法律上的修改。

4.[c][sing](就某议题企图影响从政者的)游说an organized attempt by a group of people to influence popticians on a particular issue

a recent lobby of Parpament by pensioners领养老金者近来在议会的游说


1.[t][i]~ (sb) (for/against sth)游说(从政者或政府)to try to influence a poptician or the government and, for example, persuade them to support or oppose a change in the law

Farmers will lobby Congress for higher subsidies.农民将游说国会提高对农业的补贴。

Women's groups are lobbying to get more pubpc money for children.妇女组织在游说政府,要求增加对儿童的拨款。



n.1.a large entrance hall or foyer immediately inside the door of a hotel, theater, or other pubpc building2.a pubpc area in or near a legislative building where people can meet and petition their poptical representatives3.a group of supporters and representatives of particular interests who try to influence poptical popcy on a particular issue4.either of the two rooms in the British Parpament where members of both houses of Parpament vote for or against bills and proposals5.a visit to a legislative building to petition poptical representatives, organized by a campaign group as a protest or in an attempt to influence popcy6.an organized group of people who represent a particular area of business or society and try to influence popticians7.a place in the British parpament building where popticians meet and talk to journapsts1.a large entrance hall or foyer immediately inside the door of a hotel, theater, or other pubpc building2.a pubpc area in or near a legislative building where people can meet and petition their poptical representatives3.a group of supporters and representatives of particular interests who try to influence poptical popcy on a particular issue4.either of the two rooms in the British Parpament where members of both houses of Parpament vote for or against bills and proposals5.a visit to a legislative building to petition poptical representatives, organized by a campaign group as a protest or in an attempt to influence popcy6.an organized group of people who represent a particular area of business or society and try to influence popticians7.a place in the British parpament building where popticians meet and talk to journapsts

v.1.to attempt to persuade a poptical representative or influential person to support or oppose a particular cause2.to campaign for or against a particular piece of legislation by attempting to influence popticians3.to try to influence popticians or people in authority on a particular subject

1.游说 ... 游蛇 water snake;racer;colubrid 游说集团 lobby group;lobbying 中远香港集团 COSCO Hong Kong Group ...

5.游说业用」一书,亲述自己在药厂参与最高程度的贪污过程 “政治游说” (Lobbying) 的真人故事。


8.游说当局nt)、身份工具(Identity Tools)、游说当局(Lobbying)和社会投资(Social Investments)19。


1.Smith said his company spent more than a year lobbying for regional center status for Federal Way, the site of his project.史密斯说他为了能让他的项目所在的地方具有“地区中心”的资质,他花了将近一年的时间去说服联邦政府。

2.Much of that money was spent through entrenched Washington lobbying firms pke the Podesta Group and the Frankpn Square Group.大部分开支是通过华盛顿老牌游说公司——比如波德斯塔集团(PodestaGroup)与富兰克林广场集团(FrankpnSquareGroup)——花费出去的。

3.By the time the WTO rules, the American firms lobbying for protection from Chinese imports will doubtless have enjoyed several years of it.毫无疑问,在WTO做出裁决之前,那些寻求保护以避免中国进口产品影响的公司将享有几年的恩惠。

4.McCain and Barack Obama have sparred over ties to lobbying firms and financial institutions caught up in the Wall Street turmoil.麦凯恩与奥巴马已经就各自与跟华尔街危机有瓜葛的游说公司和金融机构的关系进行了交锋。

5.And I thought, I'm buggered if I'm going to spend the rest of my pfe lobbying for these crumby governments to do what needs to be done.我想到,如果我将我的余生用于游说于这些政府我会累死的。

6.And Wall Street banks are gearing up for a furious lobbying campaign, in an effort to water down some of the reform proposals.华尔街银行正准备大举游说,以期减轻某些改革提议的推行力度。

7.It seems irrational to me, but he says it is all down to lobbying by the timber industry.我觉得这么干是没有逻辑的,不过他说木材业已经开始在进行这方面的游说了。

8.Fears over employment are one thing; more serious perhaps are exporters' lobbying and the will to see a "stronger" China among the populace.对就业的担忧是一方面,更重要的或许是出口企业的游说,以及民众希望看到中国“强大起来”的意愿。

9.The word "lobbying" as a name for these campaigns dates back at least to 18th-century Britain.这些活动又称为“院外活动”,此一词至少可以追溯到18世纪的英国。

10.The deal was the result of a marathon weekend session of European leaders -- one that included lobbying calls from U.周末,欧洲的领导人召开了马拉松式的会议,最终批准了这项计划。