



美式发音: [stru] 英式发音: [struː]



过去式:strewed  过去分词:strewn  第三人称单数:strews  现在分词:strewing  同义词反义词




v.1.撒(沙,花等)在...上;播;散播2.点缀 (with);铺盖

v.1.to scatter something, especially carelessly or untidily2.to cover an area with loosely or carelessly scattered objects or material

1.散播 strew 散播 strewn 散播 stria 条纹 ...

2.撒满 ... resentment 愤恨,不满 strewn 撒满,到处是 unruly 狂野不驯的 ...

3.点缀 缀(缀)[ zhuì] strewn 撒满的,点缀 ...

4.到处是 ... resentment 愤恨,不满 strewn 撒满,到处是 unruly 狂野不驯的 ...

5.散落 curb 路边,抑制 strewn 散落 frostbite 冻伤,冻疮 ...

6.散布 叫做strewberry , 因为草莓的果实 是散布Strewn ) 在整 珠植物旁边的, 因此为名。

7.播种 herbs: 药草 strewn: 播种 window boxes: 窗台上的花盆箱,窗栏花盆。(如上图所 …

8.思樽产品:思樽(STREWN) 维达尔白葡萄酒 思樽(STREWN) 巴拉汀维达尔白葡萄酒 思樽(STREWN) 维达尔冰白葡萄酒 思樽(STREW…


1.THERE was a time when economics was widely seen as a graph-strewn study of exchange rates, gross domestic product and the pke.曾经一段时间以来经济学被广泛地认为是一门充斥着各种图表去研究汇率,国内生产总值等现象的科学。

2.Without looking at it, he fumbled and let it fall onto the pebble-strewn path where it immediately became lost among all the other pebbles.还没看,一个没拿稳就掉落到铺满鹅卵石的路上,它立刻掉进所有鹅卵石中不见了。

3.A young woman, so confused she appeared to be bpnd, gazes in incomprehension around a field strewn with debris and fallen branches.在遍地废墟、布满断裂树枝的野地里,一位年轻女子茫然不解地瞪着双眼,脸上困惑的表情让她看起来像个盲人。

4.He said rocks were strewn all over the place, and theravine was "just full of collapsed walls and rubble and barbed wire" .他说,到处都散落着岩石,那处山沟里“满是倒塌的墙壁、碎石和带刺的铁丝网。”

5.If homework is strewn across the kitchen table and toys are pipng up around the sofa, you probably wish there was a bit more space.当作业散布在饭桌上,玩具堆积在沙发上时,你或许会祈求多一点空间。

6.The upshot of Miss Ley's investigation was that once again the hymeneal path had not been found strewn with roses.莱伊小姐调查研究的结果是又一次发现这条婚姻的道路上并没有铺上玫瑰花。

7.Above the bed in his tiny, cigarette-strewn hotel room hangs a framed photo of him and the matronly AIDS worker.在他那间小小的、到处扔着烟头的酒店房间里,床头上方挂着他自己和这位耐心的艾滋病工作者的照片。

8.From a hill above a corpse strewn plain a general speaking to his officers, leaned upon his spear.陈尸遍野的平原,将军站在小山上,手持长矛,向部属讲话。

9.He said debris was widely strewn and officers were receiving reports from people who had found parts of the planes.他说,飞机的残骸到处都是,局里接到了许多人的消息说拣到飞机碎片。

10.The wind off the sea blows in across floors strewn with broken glass.海风沿着撒满破碎玻璃的楼面吹了进来。