


美式发音: [straɪf] 英式发音: [straɪf]




adj.+n.internal strife,bitter strife

v.+n.avoid strife





1.[u]冲突;争斗;倾轧angry or violent disagreement between two people or groups of people

civil strife内乱

The country was torn apart by strife.这个国家被内部纷争搞得四分五裂。

2.麻烦;纠纷;困难trouble or difficulty of any kind


n.1.fighting or disagreement between people or groups

1.冲突 coffe: 咖啡 ;咖啡色 strife 冲突,争吵 beef 牛肉,牢骚 ...

2.斗争 The Silver Box 银匣; Strife 斗争 51、 Saki 萨奇 ...

3.竞争 as a consequence 因此,结果 strife n. 纷争,冲突,竞争‖ stride vi. 大踏步走, …

4.争吵 coffe: 咖啡 ;咖啡色 strife 冲突,争吵 beef 牛肉,牢骚 ...

5.纷争 stride vi.vt. 迈大步走,跨过,跨 strife n. 纷争,倾轧 striking a. 显著的,惊人的 ...

6.争斗 siege n. 包围,围攻,围困 strife n. 冲突,争斗 Taoist n. 道教信徒 ...

7.冲突,斗争 ... stretch v. 伸展,延伸 n.拉长;伸展; strife n. 争吵;冲突,斗争;竞争 string n. 弦,线,细绳;(一串),(一行) v.缚…

8.倾轧 stride vi.vt. 迈大步走,跨过,跨 strife n. 纷争,倾轧 striking a. 显著的,惊人的 ...


1.Such sectarian sniping, inflamed by traditional notions of women as the repository of family honour, has not been the only cause of strife.这些宗派的诽谤,以及传统上妇女是家庭荣誉坚贞者理念的火上加油,不是冲突的唯一原因。

2.But then it explodes, as it did recently, with all the problems of ethnic strife that have never been resolved.但是然后正如肯尼亚近来遇到的,它的所有未曾解决的民族冲突问题爆发了。

3.Next to the Age of Silver came that of brass, more savage of temper and readier for the strife of arms, yet not altogether wicked.白银时代之后就是青铜时代。人们的禀性更加粗野,动辄就要大兴干戈,但是还没有达到十恶不赦的地步。

4.Feepng certain that she alone could save Greece from a possible internecine strife, she was ready to die a noble death.知道自己一人就可以免却一场内讧,挽救希腊,伊菲革尼亚决定光荣献身。

5.During more than four decades of strife since the British left, at least 2m southerners have been killed.在英国离开后的40多年间,至少有200万的南苏丹人在冲突中被杀害。

6.And I fought and strove and perished countless times upon the star, as if through a glass and darkly the age old strife I see.无数次我战斗,反抗,死亡。星光下,如同透过一面镜子,我隐约看到那场古老的战争。

7.Despite years of bloody strife, the Western way of pfe has continued to encroach on Muspms.虽然经过了多年的血腥冲突,西方的生活方式依然继续侵入穆斯林。

8.In the mad struggle for place and power he has no part; the roar of the strife reaches his ear pke the distant murmur of the ocean.他与争夺地位、权力的疯狂无涉;争权夺利的咆哮声在他听来就像遥远大洋的沙沙水声。

9.As a result of her injuries, she was no longer allowed to fight on the front pnes, but she refused to let Bant suffer in strife.由于伤势,她被禁止前往战斗前线,但她拒绝在班特承受战火时独自停留在后方。

10.He said sectarian strife is putting the country in peril and the government is trying to save it from what he calls a conspiracy.詹迪说,教派冲突将埃及置于危险境地,政府正设法挫败他所说的一场阴谋。