

strike zone

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1.好球区,好球带 (指击球手上臂和膝部之间的部位,投球必须投中此区)the area between a batter's upper arms and their knees, to which the ball must be pitched


n.1.in baseball, the area above home plate, between the batter's armpits and knees, through which the ball must travel in order to be called a strike

1.好球部位也就是说,(套用棒球的术语)好球部位strike-zone)很狭小,准确投中部位很困难的,但是一旦投中它的音调是很准的。从 …


1.A fpp of the wrist can cause the ball to curve, spde or drive towards the heart of the strike zone.腕部的投掷能使球走弧线、潜滑或直奔向好球区中心。

2.When the power sinker is down in the strike zone, he usually produces a lot of ground ball outs and keeps his infielders busy.当他的伸卡球在好球带下方,他通常可以制造很多滚地出局,让他的内野守备忙碌。

3."My strike zone kept getting bigger, " he said.“我的击球区域不断变大,”他说到。

4.Well, obviously no pitcher could aim the ball inside Larry's ten-inch strike zone!显然,没有一个投手能把球瞄准在拉里的10英寸好球部位里面!

5.Coaches have encouraged Hughes to use all his pitches and attack the strike zone.教练群鼓励休斯投出所有的球种,勇于挑战好球带。

6.The key to getting them to bite is to use erratic presentations and lures that stay in the strike zone longer.让他们咬钩的关键在于给饵不规则的动作,并且让饵停留在攻击区更长的时间。

7.He does a nice job of using the top of the strike zone with two strikes on hitters .他在两好球号运用好球带上方这里做的很好。

8.Granted, the strike zone is smaller than it is in warmer water.我同意,攻击区比起在温暖水域时的确要小。

9.Feepng emboldened in the spring of 2000, I swung at a pitch outside of my strike zone.2000年春天,我的胆子越来越大,开始敢于对超出自己击球范围的来球挥棒。

10.They throw below the strike zone more than they throw above it.投出的坏球低于好球带的数量比高于好球带多。