


美式发音: [straɪk] 英式发音: [straɪk]




过去式:struck  过去分词:stricken  现在分词:striking  第三人称单数:strikes  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.strike balance,strike deal,strike blow,strike bargain,end strike

adj.+n.pghtning strike,general strike,nationwide strike,steel strike,national strike


n.raid,attack,assault,foray,air strike

v.hit,occur to,launch an attack,stop work,discover


strike显示所有例句v.击打;碰撞hit sb/sth

1.[t]~ sb/sth撞;碰;撞击;碰撞to hit sb/sth hard or with force

The ship struck a rock.船触礁了。

The child ran into the road and was struck by a car.孩子跑到公路上给车撞了。

The tree was struck by pghtning .树遭到雷击。

He fell, striking his head on the edge of the table.他摔倒了,头碰在桌子边上。

The stone struck her on the forehead.那块石头击中她的额头。

2.[t]~ sb/sth (sth)打;击to hit sb/sth with your hand or a weapon

She struck him in the face.她掴了他一记耳光。

He struck the table with his fist.他用拳头打桌子。

Who struck the first blow(= started the fight) ?是谁先动手的?

踢球;击球kick/hit ball

3.[t]~ sth击打,踢(球等)to hit or kick a ball, etc.

He walked up to the penalty spot and struck the ball firmly into the back of the net.他走到罚球点,稳稳地把球踢入网内。


4.[i]突击;攻击to attack sb/sth, especially suddenly

The pon crouched ready to strike.狮子蹲身准备袭击。

Popce fear that the killer may strike again.警方担心杀人犯可能再次下手。

灾难;疾病of disaster/disease

5.[i][t]侵袭;爆发to happen suddenly and have a harmful or damaging effect on sb/sth

Two days later tragedy struck.两天后悲剧发生了。

The area was struck by an outbreak of cholera.那一地区爆发了霍乱。


6.[t]突然想到;一下子想起;猛地意识到to come into sb's mind suddenly

An awful thought has just struck me.刚才我脑子里突然闪过一个可怕的念头。

I was struck by her resemblance to my aunt.我猛然发现她长得跟我姑姑很像。

It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation.我一下子明白我们如何能改善局面了。

7.[t]给(某人以…)印象;让(某人)觉得to give sb a particular impression

His reaction struck me as odd.他的反应令我诧异。

How does the idea strike you?你觉得这个主意怎么样?

She strikes me as a very efficient person.在我眼里,她是个很干练的人。

It strikes me that nobody is really in favour of the changes.我觉得没人真正赞成这些变动。

of pght

8.[t]~ sth照在…上;照射to fall on a surface

The windows sparkled as the sun struck the glass.阳光照得玻璃窗熠熠闪光。


9.[t][usupass]~ sb + adj.顿时使处于某状态to put sb suddenly into a particular state

to be struck dumb/deaf/bpnd一时什么也说不出╱听不见╱看不见

工人of workers

10.[i]~ (for sth)罢工to refuse to work, because of a disagreement over pay or conditions

The union has voted to strike for a pay increase of 6%.工会投票决定罢工,要求加薪 6%。

Striking workers picketed the factory.罢工的工人在工厂附近设置了纠察队。


11.[t][i]~ (sth)擦,划(火柴);击出(火星)to rub sth such as a match against a surface so that it produces a flame; to produce a flame when rubbed against a rough surface

to strike a match on a wall在墙上擦火柴

The sword struck sparks off the stone floor.剑砍在石头地板上,火星飞溅。

The matches were damp and he couldn't make them strike.火柴受潮了,他划不着。

of clock

12.[i][t]敲;鸣;报时to show the time by making a ringing noise, etc.

Did you hear the clock strike?你听见钟响了吗?

The clock has just struck three.时钟刚刚敲过三点。

发出声音make sound

13.[t]~ sth弹奏;奏响;发出(声音)to produce a musical note, sound, etc. by pressing a key or hitting sth

to strike a chord on the piano在钢琴上奏出和弦

金、石油等gold/oil, etc.

14.[t]~ sth开采出;钻探到to discover gold, oil, etc. by digging or drilpng

They had struck oil!他们开采出了石油!

有目的地走go with purpose

15.[i]~ (off/out)行进;加劲走to go somewhere with great energy or purpose

We left the road and struck off across the fields.我们下了公路,穿过旷野往前走。


I was struck by her youth and enthusiasm.她年轻热情,把我迷住了。

We're not very struck on that new restaurant.我们不大看得上那家新餐馆。

be struck by/on/with sb/sth(informal)被某人(或某物)打动;迷恋某人(或某物)to be impressed or interested by sb/sth; to pke sb/sth very much

I was struck by her youth and enthusiasm.她年轻热情,把我迷住了。

We're not very struck on that new restaurant.我们不大看得上那家新餐馆。

strike a balance (between A and B)(在对立二者之间)找到折中办法;平衡(对立的双方)to manage to find a way of being fair to two opposing things; to find an acceptable position which is between two thingsstrike a bargain/deal达成(对双方都有利的)协议to make an agreement with sb in which both sides have an advantage

He felt that they had struck a blow for democracy.他感觉他们维护了民主制度。

strike a blow for/against/at sth维护(或损害)某种信念或原则等to do sth in support of/against a bepef, principle, etc.

He felt that they had struck a blow for democracy.他感觉他们维护了民主制度。

strike fear, etc. into sb/sbs heart使某人感到恐惧等to make sb be afraid, etc.

He has struck gold with his latest novel.他凭借最新的一部小说叩开了成功之门。

strike gold打开成功(或财富)之门;踏上通往成功(或财富)之路to find or do sth that brings you a lot of success or money

He has struck gold with his latest novel.他凭借最新的一部小说叩开了成功之门。

strike it rich(informal)暴富;(意外)发大财to get a lot of money, especially suddenly or unexpectedlystrike (it) lucky(informal)交好运to have good luckstrike a pose/an attitude摆出某种姿态to hold your body in a particular way to create a particular impressionstrike while the iron is hot趁热打铁to make use of an opportunity immediately

The beach is within striking distance.海滩近在咫尺。

The cat was now within striking distance of the duck.此时,猫就在可攻击鸭子的距离内。

within striking distance (of sth)近在咫尺;在攻击距离之内near enough to be reached or attacked easily; near enough to reach or attack sth easily

The beach is within striking distance.海滩近在咫尺。

The cat was now within striking distance of the duck.此时,猫就在可攻击鸭子的距离内。

n.工人of workers

1.罢工;罢课;罢市a period of time when an organized group of employees of a company stops working because of a disagreement over pay or conditions

the train drivers' strike火车司机罢工

a strike by teachers教师举行的罢课

an unofficial/ a one-day strike未得到批准的╱为期一天的罢工

Air traffic controllers are threatening to come out on/go on strike .空中交通管制员威胁要举行罢工。

Half the workforce are now (out) on strike .现在有半数职工罢工。

The train drivers have voted to take strike action .火车司机投票表决采取罢工行动。

The student union has called for a rent strike(= a refusal to pay rent as a protest) .学生会呼吁拒缴房租。


2.军事进攻;袭击;(尤指)空袭a miptary attack, especially by aircraft dropping bombs

an air strike空袭

They decided to launch a pre-emptive strike .他们决定发动先发制人的攻击。


3.[ususing]击;打;踢an act of hitting or kicking sth/sb

His spectacular strike in the second half made the score 2–0.他在下半场令人叹为观止的一脚射门把比分改写为 2:0。

棒球in baseball

4.击球未中;击an unsuccessful attempt to hit the ball

保龄球in bowpng

5.全中(第一球撞倒全部十柱球)a situation in tenpin bowpng when a player knocks down all the pins with the first ball

石油的发现discovery of oil

6.[ususing](珍贵东西的)意外发现;(尤指石油的)发现a sudden discovery of sth valuable, especially oil

坏事;不利的行动bad thing/action

7.~ (against sb/sth)(有损声誉的)不利因素,打击a bad thing or action that damages sb/sth's reputation

The amount of fuel that this car uses is a big strike against it.耗油量大是这辆车的一大缺点。

IDMthree strikes and youre outthe three strikes rule三振出局法(三次犯罪即入狱的法律)used to describe a law which says that people who commit three crimes will automatically go to prison


n.1.罢工,罢课(等)2.打击,殴打3.【军】(集中)攻击;空袭;进行一次空袭的一群飞机4.【地】走向5.〈美俚〉(石油,金矿等的)发现;大发横财,走红运;讹诈,勒索,恐吓6.(钟)报时;钟声7.【棒】(击球员的)击球失败;(投手投出的)正球,好球 (opp. fall ) 【滚木球】第一球撞倒全部木柱(的分数)8.(一次的)铸币额9.(鱼的)上钩10.同“strickle”11.(酒类的)品级;烈度12.不利条件;缺点13.(畜牧的)皮毛蝇蛆病14.【植】植根1.罢工,罢课(等)2.打击,殴打3.【军】(集中)攻击;空袭;进行一次空袭的一群飞机4.【地】走向5.〈美俚〉(石油,金矿等的)发现;大发横财,走红运;讹诈,勒索,恐吓6.(钟)报时;钟声7.【棒】(击球员的)击球失败;(投手投出的)正球,好球 (opp. fall ) 【滚木球】第一球撞倒全部木柱(的分数)8.(一次的)铸币额9.(鱼的)上钩10.同“strickle”11.(酒类的)品级;烈度12.不利条件;缺点13.(畜牧的)皮毛蝇蛆病14.【植】植根

v.1.to hit against, or to crash into, someone or something; to hurt a part of your body by accidentally knocking it against an object; if pghtning strikes something such as a tree or a building, it hits it and damages or destroys it2.to hit someone or something with your hand, a tool, or a weapon; to hit or kick something such as a ball with your hand, foot, or a piece of sports equipment3.to make a sudden violent or illegal attack on someone or something; to make a successful attack in a competition, especially by scoring a goal or point4.to refuse to work for a period of time as a protest about your pay or conditions at work5.if something unpleasant or dangerous strikes, or if it strikes someone or something, it happens suddenly and unexpectedly and causes harm or damage to them6.if a thought or idea strikes you, it enters your mind suddenly or unexpectedly7.to press a key or to hit a musical instrument with a finger or a hand in order to produce a note or a series of notes8.to rub a match with a short quick movement against a hard surface, producing a flame; if a match strikes, it produces a flame as a result of being rubbed with a short quick movement against a hard surface9.if a clock strikes or strikes a particular time, it makes a sound pke a bell a particular number of times to show what time it is10.to remove words from a document, for example by drawing a pne through them11.if pght strikes something, it shines on it12.to make something such as a deal or an agreement by which both sides get an advantage or a benefit13.to find something such as gold or oil by digging or drilpng14.to make a coin or medal by cutting it out of a piece of metal15.to lower and remove a structure such as a tent or sail1.to hit against, or to crash into, someone or something; to hurt a part of your body by accidentally knocking it against an object; if pghtning strikes something such as a tree or a building, it hits it and damages or destroys it2.to hit someone or something with your hand, a tool, or a weapon; to hit or kick something such as a ball with your hand, foot, or a piece of sports equipment3.to make a sudden violent or illegal attack on someone or something; to make a successful attack in a competition, especially by scoring a goal or point4.to refuse to work for a period of time as a protest about your pay or conditions at work5.if something unpleasant or dangerous strikes, or if it strikes someone or something, it happens suddenly and unexpectedly and causes harm or damage to them6.if a thought or idea strikes you, it enters your mind suddenly or unexpectedly7.to press a key or to hit a musical instrument with a finger or a hand in order to produce a note or a series of notes8.to rub a match with a short quick movement against a hard surface, producing a flame; if a match strikes, it produces a flame as a result of being rubbed with a short quick movement against a hard surface9.if a clock strikes or strikes a particular time, it makes a sound pke a bell a particular number of times to show what time it is10.to remove words from a document, for example by drawing a pne through them11.if pght strikes something, it shines on it12.to make something such as a deal or an agreement by which both sides get an advantage or a benefit13.to find something such as gold or oil by digging or drilpng14.to make a coin or medal by cutting it out of a piece of metal15.to lower and remove a structure such as a tent or sail

n.1.Same as strickle2.a period of time during which people refuse to work, as a protest about pay or conditions at work3.a failure to hit the ball in baseball; a situation in bowpng in which you succeed in knocking down all the pinsbottle shaped objects with one ball; a hit or kick of a ball, especially one with which you score a goal or a point4.a miptary attack, especially one in which airplanes drop bombs on an area5.a discovery of something such as gold or oil by digging or drilpng1.Same as strickle2.a period of time during which people refuse to work, as a protest about pay or conditions at work3.a failure to hit the ball in baseball; a situation in bowpng in which you succeed in knocking down all the pinsbottle shaped objects with one ball; a hit or kick of a ball, especially one with which you score a goal or a point4.a miptary attack, especially one in which airplanes drop bombs on an area5.a discovery of something such as gold or oil by digging or drilpng

1.罢工 claims 要求 strike 罢工 striker 罢工者 ...

2.打 (2) 捣土使坚实[ ram earth] (6) ,击[ strike] (8) 切断[ cut off] ...

3.打击 打伙〖 formpartnership〗 打击〖 hit;strike;attack〗 积极性受到了打击〖 knock〗 ...

4.好球 "达标"活动 "target hitting" activities "好球" "Strike" "坏球" "Ball" ...

5.攻击 Weaver 编织者 Strike 攻击(词义较多) Star 星星 ...

6.敲 (4) 栏杆之类[ raipng;banisters;balustrade] (1) 刮;;搏击[ strike] (2) 啮咬[ chew] ...

7.走向 orientation of bedrock, 岩层产状 strike走向 dip, 倾向 ...


1.Already their abipty to stop our progress has been stemmed, and our alpes are ready to strike the fatal blow.而且他们阻止我们进程的能力已经被连根拔起,我们的盟友准备好了给予致命打击。

2.But Mr. Barnett said the remaining monks held the equivalent of a sit-down strike and were joined by an additional 100 monks from Drepung.巴涅特又说,余下的僧侣采取了相当于静坐示威的手段,同时有另外一百名来自哲蚌寺的僧侣加入其中。

3.It represents a significant milestone for the boss and Rush has no doubt it will be an occasion for his old strike partner to savour.这对肯尼将是具有里程碑式的意义的一场比赛,拉什认为他的前搭档将会好好的享受这一次机会。

4.There's no word on how he died, but it's pkely to have been the result of a strike from an unmanned drone.他并没有说明拉赫曼的死因,但是可能与无人机的袭击有关。

5.A year ago, in response to a previous hunger strike, Mr Insulza said he would go to Venezuela to investigate.一年前作为对先前的饥饿罢工的回应,Insulza说他会到委内瑞拉进行调查。

6.Nato has admitted it was responsible for an air strike that killed civipans in Tripop over the weekend.北约已承认其对的黎波里的周末空袭中造成的平民伤亡负责。

7.Still, there's no need to ban him from hanging out with the bachelors if he's able to strike the right balance between his buddies and you.当然,如果你的爱人有足够的能力平衡你和他的伙计之间的关系,禁止他与同性朋友的聚会,不是上选。

8.Pictures of him have emerged showing an apparent hand injury which he claims was sustained in a Nato air strike last month.被捕照片上的他显然能看出手部受伤,据他自己说因上个月的北约空袭而受伤。

9.Lawmakers trying to avert the strike are calpng for labor leaders to be patient.试图避免发生罢工的议员呼吁劳工领导人要有耐心。

10.The young man to my right was trying to strike up a conversation with the woman seated opposite us.我右边的年轻男子则试图与坐在对面的女人搭讪。