

strip club

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1.脱衣舞夜总会a club where people go to watch performers take their clothes off in a sexually exciting way

n.1.a place where the audience is entertained by performers who take off their clothes while dancing to music

1.脱衣舞夜总会 burst into: 闯入 strip club: 脱衣舞夜总会 be good at: 擅长 ...

2.脱衣舞俱乐部 sports bar 体育酒吧 strip club 脱衣舞俱乐部 whisky bar 威士忌酒吧 ...

3.脱衣舞店其他:街上有三、四家脱衣舞店 (strip club),但不至于有不安全感。街上没有人在拉客,没有橱窗女郎,不用紧张。

4.脱衣舞厅它讲述了几个被生活所迫的男人去脱衣舞厅(Strip club)跳脱衣舞的故事,是一部悲喜剧。这个名字来源于一个英国短语,to go th…

5.脱衣舞酒吧在脱衣舞酒吧 (STRIP CLUB) 当酒保算特别吗~ 每天都有免费的脱衣舞可以看~ 还有超多小费~ 帖子: 1,527 性别: 女生 感谢: 1,3…

6.脱衣舞场美国东岸最有名的“脱衣舞场”(Strip Club)是费城(Philadelphia,滨州)的“大利拉夜总会” 就叫Deplah,是东岸玩家们(包括许多普 …


1.Why on earth would a man take a woman to a strip club if he were trying to get off with her?为什么一个男人要带一个女人去脱衣舞夜总会,如果他想跟她亲热的话?

2.canadian man has sued a vancouver - area strip club , claiming he was injured by a " reckless " exotic dancer who kicked him in the head.一名加拿大男子日前把一家温哥华市内的脱衣舞俱乐部告上了法庭。他声称被该俱乐部的一名“鲁莽的”脱衣舞女郎踢伤了头部。

3.Hey, it could have been worse. He could have been going out of a strip club, or something.嘿,要知道如果他正离开一个脱衣舞俱乐部之类的地方的话,情况可能比这还糟。

4.Where you try to figure out whether or not you're going into a strip club or hair salon! What can be better than that?你会想出你是否进过脱衣俱乐部或发廊!有什么会比那更好呢?

5.He said, "Honestly, I don't know, I'm not a mother. " 'Might As Well Go to a Strip Club'他回答道:“说实话,我也不知道,因为我不是母亲。”“不如去脱衣舞夜总会”

6.During all popce investigations it will be necessary to visit a strip club at least once.所有的警员调查过程中必须走访至少一次的脱衣舞夜总会。

7.He is now unemployed, and pves in a flophouse in Atlanta between a jail and a strip club.现在他还在失业,居住在位于亚特兰大州的一间廉价旅馆里,两边是监狱和脱衣舞夜总会。

8.It's interesting that something as innocuous as a lunch with an ex could cause more stress than a visit with buddies to the strip club.像跟前女友吃午饭这种无关痛痒的事居然比跟朋友去脱衣舞夜总会玩更严重,这听起来颇有意思。

9.Marshall met Ms Smith when he was wheeled into the Texas strip club where she was dancing.(报道说,)马歇尔是被人用轮椅推进得克萨斯脱衣舞夜总会后结识了在那儿跳脱衣舞的史密斯。

10.The Providence Journal reported that more than 150 job seekers showed up to apply for work at the strip club.上帝学报报道每周有超过150个求职者申请在脱衣舞厅工作。