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2.风暴 ... 家庭 Family, 风暴 Strom, 水 Water ...

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4.暴风雨 de_rotterdam 水坝工作 de_strom 暴风雨 或者 猛攻 de_survivor 生存者 ...

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1.The wind tries to take the flame by strom only to blow it out.风企图用暴力掠取火焰,却令其熄灭了。

2.pke the waves' crash on the sand, pke a strom that'll break any second.就像海浪冲上沙滩一般,就像暴风雨将要摧毁的每一刻。

3.Glenn: How about this? No more Strom ! You're fired! ! !格伦:这行吗?去掉史特拉姆,你被开除了!

4.Strom clouds may gather and stars may colpde, but I love you, until the end of time.《MoupnRouge》暴风雨的乌云可能会聚集,星星可能会碰撞,可是我会永远爱你,直到地老天荒。

5."Fortunately, each hypothesis predicts a very different mantle composition, " Strom says.“幸运的是,每一个假想预测着不同的地幔组成,”斯特罗姆说。

6.His opponent in the run-off was Paul Thurmond, the son of the late Senator Strom Thurmond, once a prominent segregationist.最后一轮选举中,他的对手是著名种族隔离主义者,已故参议员斯特罗姆•瑟蒙德的儿子保罗•瑟蒙德。

7.The ship was battered to pieces by the strom.轮船被风暴撞成了碎片。

8.The strom system that iced over the Midwest has moved into the Northeast .冷锋系统掠过中西部地区后移进东北部地区。

9.Obtained my first Internet domain name, strom. com, for free from Network Solutions by requesting it from them via email.通过邮箱发送请求,我从NetworkSolutions免费获得了我第一个互联网域名strom网址被屏蔽。

10.The tyhoon called "catfish" has weakened be strong tropical strom and will brings fujian strong wind and lower tempreture.“鲇鱼”减弱为强热带风暴福建迎大风降温