


美式发音: [ˈwɔrˌfer] 英式发音: [ˈwɔː(r)feə(r)]




adj.+n.modern warfare,psychological warfare,submarine warfare,chemical warfare,conventional warfare




1.战;作战;战争the activity of fighting a war, especially using particular weapons or methods

air/naval/guerrilla, etc. warfare空战、海战、游击战等

countries engaged in warfare参战国

2.(群体、公司等之间的)斗争,竞争,冲突the activity of competing in an aggressive way with another group, company, etc.

class/gang warfare阶级╱帮派斗争

The debate soon degenerated into open warfare.争论很快恶化,演变成了公开的论战。


n.1.the activity of fighting a war; fighting in which a particular type of weapon is used2.fighting or serious disagreement between groups

1.战争 326. vulnerable a. 易受伤的 327. warfare n. 战争 329. weary a. 疲劳的 ...

2.冲突 contention n. 争论, 争辩, 争夺... warfare n. 战争, 冲突 fighting n. 对抗, 打架 ...

3.战争状态 typical 代表的,典型的 warfare 战争,战争状态(行为) willow 柳 ...

4.斗争 warehouse 仓库,货栈 warfare 战争(状态),冲突,斗争 warn 警告,告诫 ...

5.战火 warehouse 仓库, 货栈, 大商店// warfare 战争, 作战, 冲突, 竞争 warning 警告, 预告, 通知, 预兆 ...

7.战争,战事 wallpaper n. 墙纸,壁纸 warfare n. 战争,战事;竞争,斗争 watertight a. 不透水的;无懈可击的 ...

8.战斗战斗(Warfare):以暗黑破坏神为例,类似野蛮人的战嚎、加强攻击力和装甲值,以及可怕的旋风斩,同时攻击附近的多个目标 …


1.Finally, Pakistan must be made to understand the cost of nuclear warfare.最终,巴基斯坦必须要了解到核战争的代价。

2.Chinese miptary officials have said the country is stepping up its cyber warfare abipties to compete with the U.中国军方官员说中国正在加紧增强网络作战能力,以便和美国等其它强国竞争。

3."While his piratical career wasn't that long, he made such an imprint because he used psychological warfare, " said Croce.“虽然他的海盗生涯并不是很长,但是他却留下如此深远的影响,就是因为他善于打心理战。”Croce说。

4.Geographically the theatre of the war is so vast that it is possible for us to conduct mobile warfare most effectively.在地理上,战场这样广大,我们作最有效的运动战,是可能的。

5.In the future, or may be in a period, the United States faces collapse may even have to break out of the "city" guerrilla warfare.未来,或者可能在一个时期美国面临解体,甚至可能出现此起彼伏的“城市游击战”。

6.This espionage is not only an enormous threat, but it also suggests that serious acts of cyber warfare would be easy to carry out.这种间谍行为不仅仅是一种巨大的威胁,而且还表明,真正的网络大战很容易爆发。

7.The Royal Navy's primary mission during the Cold War, excluding the nuclear deterrent role, was that of anti-submarine warfare (ASW).英国皇家海军冷战时期的主要任务,除了扮演核子吓阻的角色以外,就是反潜作战(ASW)。

8.He had never held such a fine weapon, not even in those days of guerrilla warfare thirty years before.货三十多年前他打游击时,也没拿到过这样的枪。

9.In the dark world of warfare, each new tool is a more effective way to harm people. The A-bomb could be the point of no return.在战争的黑暗世界里,每一个新的工具都是更有效地杀人工具,就像原子弹那样成为一条不归之路。

10.Smaller canoes were used for travepng around the islands, while larger canoes were used for long-distance travepng or warfare.小型独木舟可用来做为岛与岛之间的运输工具,而大型独木舟则适合用来进行长途旅行及打仗用。