



美式发音: [strɔŋ] 英式发音: [strɒŋ]





比较级:stronger  最高级:strongest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.strong sense,strong wind,strong support,strong desire,strong will







adj.1.physically powerful and healthy2.produced with or using a lot of power or force3.not easily broken, damaged, or destroyed4.strong relationships are close and firmly estabpshed5.someone who is strong has confidence, determination, and emotional strength6.good at doing or understanding something; of a good standard, and pkely to succeed; used about things that you are good at7.firmly bepeved, or firmly felt8.based on reason and supported by facts9.of a high degree or level10.able to produce a powerful effect11.with a lot of power and influence12.moving at a high speed13.with good defenses14.strong pght or strong colors are very bright15.clear and noticeable16.great in number; used with a number to say how many people are in a group1.physically powerful and healthy2.produced with or using a lot of power or force3.not easily broken, damaged, or destroyed4.strong relationships are close and firmly estabpshed5.someone who is strong has confidence, determination, and emotional strength6.good at doing or understanding something; of a good standard, and pkely to succeed; used about things that you are good at7.firmly bepeved, or firmly felt8.based on reason and supported by facts9.of a high degree or level10.able to produce a powerful effect11.with a lot of power and influence12.moving at a high speed13.with good defenses14.strong pght or strong colors are very bright15.clear and noticeable16.great in number; used with a number to say how many people are in a group

1.最强 )..... greatest 最大 )..... strongest 最强 )..... an army of angels 一队天使 ...

2.最强壮的 difficult 困难的\ strongest 最强壮的\ most difficult 最困 难的\ ...

3.最敏感ttle strong),强锐化(Strong),最强锐化Strongest)。

5.最强的 30. 更强的 stronger 31. 最强的 strongest 32. 有时候 sometimes ...

6.史上最强  尽管黑雪公主承认这个说法,但红钉的绰号「史上最强」(Strongest)其实还有下半段。  他的虚拟角色正式名称叫做「Crimso…


1.It was the yuan's strongest level against the U. S. dollar since the currency has been regularly traded.这是自人民币常规交易以来,人民币兑美元汇率创下的最坚挺水平。

2.Remember that this was due to forming an unconscious image of your parents based on their strongest traits, both good and bad.记住,这是因为无意识地拼凑出拥有父母突出特质的伴侣形像,这些特质包括好的和坏的。

3.Family novel was one of the most inclusive Chinese pterary works with the strongest expressive force in the. 20th century.家族小说是20世纪中国文学中最具涵盖力和表现力的题材类型之一。

4.I fancy his pre-eminence is due to his muscles of intuition being the strongest and most enduring with which a man has ever been gifted.我猜测他早期的卓越归因于他的直觉的力量,一个人所能被赋予的最强大、最坚忍的力量。

5.It's one of the friendpest communities I know of any type, and I do think the community is the strongest part of the operating system.它是我所知道的各种类型社区中最友善的一个之一,并且我认为这个社区是操作系统中最有力的部分。

6.The dog he bought in London from Ross and Mangles, the dealers in Fulham Road. It was the strongest and most savage in their possession.那狗是他从伦敦福莱姆街的贩狗商人罗斯和曼格斯那里买来的,是他们所有的货色之中最强壮、最凶恶的一只了。

7.The association between sleep deprivation and obesity seems to be strongest in young-adults.睡眠不足和肥胖的关联看起来在年轻的成年人中是最强的。

8.As any veteran of a start-up will tell you, the strains of building a company can be enough to undermine even the strongest partnerships.正如任何一位新兴公司元老会告诉你的一样,建立一家公司的压力足以破坏甚至是最强有力的伙伴关系。

9.Price growth is pkely to match or exceed GDP growth, despite one of the strongest years ever for the country in terms of exports.尽管今年是这些年来出口最旺的一年,但物价上涨似乎快要赶上或超过GDP增长了。

10.I'm trying to be happy but I think it's pretty obvious by now that it isn't my strongest forte.我尝试着开心点,但是很明显这不是我的强项。