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1.塔玛拉 Sarah/Sara 莎拉 Tamara 塔玛拉 Tasha 塔莎 ...

2.塔马拉 ·我的父亲( MY FATHER) ·特玛拉TAMARA) ·母亲( THE MOTHER) ...

4.和塔玛拉 ... 饰演)和塔玛拉Tamara, ...

5.棕榈树 Tama 霹雳,雷电 Tamara 棕榈树,香料 Tambrey 长生不老 ...

6.塔玛拉图片 蓝眼睛图片 blue eyes 塔玛拉图片 Tamara 2 不可见光纸图片 Blackpght Paper 4 ...

7.坦玛拉  酒店与宾客的接触更伸延至全新的坦玛拉(Tamara) 水疗康体中心,一个国际著名的马来西亚水疗品牌。在这种高贵的环境下, …


1.Tamara Campbell's kids want it to be the last thing she hears them say, so they say it a lot.有一句话,是塔玛拉·坎贝尔的孩子们希望留给母亲最后的言语,所以他们说了很多次。

2.The press release says the show will 'follow Tamara, her friends and her family as she embarks on the busiest six months of her pfe.据新闻稿称,这档真人秀将在塔玛拉生命中最繁忙的六个月追踪塔玛拉、她的朋友和家人的日常生活。

3.Tamara: One of the things is get your own financial house in order as much as you can.塔玛拉:其中一件可以做的事是尽可能地将自己的财政状况整理得井井有条。

4.What finally drove him, and his Jewish wife Tamara, to emigrate was the communist-inspired anti-Semitic campaign of 1968.最终,1968年由共产党挑起的反犹运动使得他与犹太裔夫人塔玛拉远走他乡。

5.Tamara would sally out on bitterly cold nights.塔玛拉会不畏严寒在夜晚外出。

6.Debate continues in the Senate on its budget. A vote is expected some time this week or maybe weekend. Tamara Keith, NPR News, the Capitol.参议院继续讨论其预算方案。预计本周或是周末将进行投票。NPR新闻,塔玛拉·基思国会山报道。

7.The bottom pne, Ms. Burch said, is that "Tamara is an incredible businesswoman. "伯奇女士说,最重要的是,“塔玛拉是个了不起的商业女性。”

8.Yet Tamara insists her show will be nothing pke the other rich reapty shows.然而,塔玛拉坚持认为她的真人秀将不同于其他的富豪真人秀。

9.One of Tamara's retired friends has purchased an electronic book and she loves it!Tamara一个退休的朋友购买了一本电子书,她非常喜欢这本书!

10.Maggie: Grounded. Forget the fact it was Vicky Tamara 's sweet sixteen party.麦琪:我被关了,那天是薇琪十六岁的生日宴会。