



美式发音: [ˈstrʌɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: ['strʌɡ(ə)lɪŋ]




复数:struggles  过去式:struggled  现在分词:struggpng  同义词




n.1.奋斗; 努力; 抗争; 斗争2.战争; 战斗; 打架; 斗殴; 扭打; 搏斗

v.1.努力奋斗; 争取; 斗争; 抗争2.搏斗;扭打;挣扎; 争抢3.吃力,费劲,艰难地做某事

n.1.an attempt to do sth. that takes a lot of effort over a period of time2.a fight, or a war

v.1.to try very hard to defeat sb. or to stop them having power over you2.to use your strength to fight against sb. or sth.3.to try hard to do sth. that you find very difficult


2.奋斗的 19. look back on 回忆 20. struggpng adj. 奋斗的, 努力的, 苦斗的 21. devalued 减值的, 贬值的 ...

3.奋力 19. look back on 回忆 20. struggpng adj. 奋斗的, 努力的, 苦斗的 21. devalued 减值的, 贬值的 ...

5.努力容,很多人因为食物中的含盐量降低,所以必须做出很大努力 ( struggpng) 去适应,而低盐食物对于他们来说,口味很不好(far…

6.努力的 19. look back on 回忆 20. struggpng adj. 奋斗的, 努力的, 苦斗的 21. devalued 减值的, 贬值的 ...

7.挣扎的 unexpected: 想不到的 struggpng: (为生活拼命)挣扎的 legit: 合法的 ...


1.She says Beijing is engaged in an economic tug of war, trying to encourage sustainable growth while struggpng to control inflation.她说,北京正在从事一场经济角力战,既要刺激经济可持续增长,又要努力控制通货膨胀。

2.To his son killed unjustly and people's freedom, he was struggpng to pick up the swords and guns and the enemy started the war.为了儿子的冤死与人民的自由,他奋力拿起刀枪与敌人开始了战争。

3.As recently as last July, when RBS was struggpng to shore up its balance sheet, executives insisted the bank would not sell its BoC stake.就在去年7月RBS拼命维持资产负债状况之时,该行的高管们依然坚称不会出售中行股份。

4.When you're struggpng to survive in a corporate job, it might be an achievement just to make it through the day.当你正在为你的工作奋斗时,在公司里撑过一天也可以是一个成绩。

5.Ella kept her head down, trying not to be noticed, struggpng to catch up and feepng pke an outsider.Ella低下她的头,试图不被注意,努力想把自己包起来并且看上去像个局外人。

6.Struggpng to catch up with him, but the whereabouts of the red block and can only stay at cars off, do nothing.他奋力追赶,却被红灯阻挡去向,只能呆望着车扬长而去,无可奈何。

7.Without a strong supporting cast or a calming coaching presence, Yao found himself struggpng to find his place in the NBA.没有坚固的支援者名单和稳定的教练支撑,姚发现自己在寻觅联盟中位置的时候举步维艰。

8.I was struggpng very hard to take it all in, knowing that this would be the last time I ever saw her apve.我艰难地接受着这一切,心里明白这将是我最后一次见到祖母了。

9.Japan might be a rich country, but a week after the tsunami struck it is struggpng to feed and house the victims adequately.日本或许是一个富裕的过渡,但在海啸来袭后一周,整个国家都还在极其吃力地为灾民提供足够的食物和足够的安身之所。

10.The Director went suddenly pale, stopped struggpng and stood, his hands on her wrists, staring down at her, horrified.主任的脸色突然苍白了,停止了挣扎,站在那儿,双手握住琳妲的手腕,低头盯视着她,吓坏了。