

St. Tropez

美式发音: [ˌsæn troʊˈpeɪ] 英式发音: [ˌsæn trəʊˈpeɪ]



na.1.a town on the south coast of France, where many rich and famous people go on vacation

1.圣特罗佩岸起始於马赛(Marseille),沿著地中海横跨圣托佩兹St. Tropez)、坎城(Cannes)、安提贝(Antibe)、尼斯(Nice) …

6.圣托佩斯3.圣托佩斯St. Tropez)-Goil、Carissa、Ryan结构令人感到惊艳,很难想像他的支撑力是如何被立在沙滩上。

7.圣多佩斯法国的圣多佩斯St. Tropez)有她见过最棒的人们。她接下来想试著把她的故事场景设在这些地方,好让她可以花更多时间在 …

8.圣曹菲圣曹菲(ST. TROPEZ)腕表系列首度登场。1988夏利豪经典设计─哥伦布(COLVMBVSR)系列正式面世。


1.He worked as an artist and architect and was regularly spotted among the international jet set in Monaco, St, Tropez and Montenegro.他做过画家和建筑师,并经常出没于摩纳哥、圣特罗佩斯(St.Tropez)和黑山(Montenegro)的国际富人社交界。

2.Nice, Marseille, Cannes and St-Tropez are among the most visited spots.尼斯,马赛,戛纳,和圣特鲁佩斯都是热门的观光点。

3.Koch, who now holds his brunch at different locations each week, including the Hamptons and St. -Tropez. Guys "need an edge; "“你绝不希望自己在早午餐派对上过于耀眼,”科赫先生说,现在他每周都会在不同地方举行早午餐派对,像在汉普顿和圣特洛佩兹。

4.In other words, hurry to Turkbuku before it becomes too St Tropez for its own good.换句话说,趁这里还没变成另一个圣特鲁佩斯,赶紧来玩一下吧。

5.Frankly, we would look less conspicuous wearing Welsh National Costume in St Tropez.直说吧,我们就是在法国度假胜地圣特罗佩斯(StTropez)穿上威尔士民族服装,也不会显得如此引人注目。

6.I went into the house where my children were crying and I sent the dog to St Tropez.我走进屋子里,当时孩子正在哭闹,然后我把那狗送到圣特鲁佩斯去。

7.Crates of bottled water were taken to the family villa in St Tropez--the equivalent of coals to Newcastle.成箱的瓶装水被运到他们在圣特罗佩兹的家庭别墅,这就像将煤运到纽卡斯尔一样多余。

8.Kid Rock and Pamela Anderson: 4 Months: Kid Rock and Pamela Anderson married on a yachtin St. Tropez on July 29, 2006.“摇滚小子”基德·罗克和帕米拉·安德森:4个月。2006年7月29号,基德·罗克和帕米拉·安德森在圣·特鲁佩斯的一艘游艇上结婚。

9.st tropez I can bring you boo我可以带你去法国圣特罗佩斯游玩