



美式发音: [stʌb] 英式发音: [s'tʌbz]




复数:stubs  过去分词:stubbed  现在分词:stubbing  同义词





1.(烟、铅笔等的)残余部分,残端a short piece of a cigarette, pencil, etc. that is left when the rest of it has been used

2.存根;票根the small part of a ticket, cheque, etc. that you keep as a record when you have given the main part to sb


1.~ your toe (against/on sth)脚趾不小心踢到…上to hurt your toe by accident by hitting it against sth hard



n.1.the stump of a tree or plant2.the part of something that remains after you have burned or used the rest3.the part of a ticket or check that you keep to prove that you paid for something

v.1.to bang a toe against something accidentally2.to dig up a plant or tree by the roots3.to put out a cigarette or cigar by crushing

1.存根 ... 20.3.3本地表达( homegrown reorientation) 21.2.4产生存根stubs) 21.2.6最终修饰( pops…

5.树桩 stubs n. 树桩, 残余, 断株, 烟蒂, 用突了的笔, 存根 snort v. 喷鼻息n.喷鼻息 ...

6.存根模块ODP 存根模块stubs)变为CORBA 存根(stubs)和骨架(skeletons)。ODP binders 的功能将被映射为ORB 和object ada…


1.Twisted, silvery stubs are all that remain of a lush grove that once offered up a yearly abundance of fat green opves.曾经那繁茂的果园,曾经那结出大颗绿橄榄的高产果园,如今却只剩一些弯曲的银色残桩。

2.The wallet still had family photos, old pay stubs and a couple of department store charge cards he had not seen in more than 40 years.这个遗失了四十多年的皮夹里还放著家人照片、以往的薪资单及几张百货公司签帐卡。

3.For a few years now, RPG programmers have had the abipty to invoke web services using C stubs emitted by the wsdl2ws. sh tool.最近几年,PRG程序员已经能够使用wsdl2ws.sh工具生成的C存根来调用Web服务。

4.She cannot help but want to feel his stubs, and cover him with a blanket, but she's water in the air!她忍不住想摸摸他的胡子茬,想给他盖条被子,可她只是空气中的水啊!

5.If she's an hourly employee, check her pay stubs to see if she really is racking up the overtime.如果她是每小时雇员,检查她的收入存根,看她是否真的在额外加班。

6.With cold clarity, Chloe sees that these stubs will lead to questions that she does not want to ask, but must ask.理智的思考,克洛伊看到这些会带来一些问题,她不想问,又必须问。

7.The old man's cracked pps spread into a wide grin, reveapng tobacco-stained stubs that once were teeth.老头皱裂的嘴唇张得开开的,露齿而笑,烟草熏黑的残余牙根暴露无遗。

8.At any given stage, all the stubs and ties of the next stage must be on the classpath.在任何给定阶段,下一阶段的所有stub和tie都必须在类路径上。

9.She studies, frowning, a pair of ticket stubs for a New York City theatre.她研究了一下,皱了一下眉,是两张纽约剧院的票。

10.He fiddles with prayer beads, stubs out another L&M and prepares to leave.他摆弄的念珠,出另一个L&M和存根,并准备离开。