



美式发音: [ˈtriti] 英式发音: [ˈtriːti]



复数:treaties  搭配同义词

v.+n.sign treaty,ratify treaty,make treaty,conclude treaty,negotiate treaty




n.1.an official written agreement between two or more countries. When national leaders negotiate a treaty, they discuss it before reaching agreement; and when they ratify a treaty, they give it their formal approval, usually by signing it or voting for it

1.条约过夜的,目前联邦政府和First Nation 的协议treaties)把印第安这个以前彪悍的土族变成了懒散、不求上劲、文化消失、抱 …

5.国际条约 统提名 Presidential Nominations 国际条约 Treaties 《独立宣言》 Declaration of Independence 、 ...

6.履行条约 ... 麦克阿瑟〈总命令第一号〉 General Order No. One 和约 treaties 民政统治 civil government ...

8.条约委员会 12.公共工程委员会( Pubpc Works) 13.条约委员会Treaties) ...


1.China is now trying to make stronger international pnks, signing extradition treaties with 40 countries.中国正逐步加强国际合作,已与40个国家签署引渡协议。

2.Treaties to which the United States are a party may be found in the U. S.美国作为一方签订的条约可以在美国条约服务署找到。

3.It would have the major advantage that it would not require any changes to the European Treaties, at least not for now.它最大的优点是,不必对各项欧洲条约进行任何修改,至少就眼下来说不用。

4.However, it's already been clear to him for six months that the conference was not going to result in any legally binding treaties, he says.然而,他也说道,这六个月的经历也使他深知会议将不会产生任何具有法律约束力的条约。

5.The Treaty of St. Louis is one of many treaties signed between the United States and various Native American tribes.圣路易斯条约是指美国与各印第安人部落签订的众多条款之一。

6.He said the treaties will see Britain and France form a joint army expeditionary force and share aircraft carriers.He说,条约将看到英国和法国组成联合军队远征军和分享航母。

7.on the condition that an end would be made to these unequal treaties at least for Germany.条件是至少终止于德国签订的不平等条约

8.The foreign trade which developed as a result of the treaties was a stimulant and a tonic and a blood transfusion.条约签订之后的外贸发展有如一针兴奋剂、一帖补药以及一次大换血。

9.Rather than trying to promote integration through laws and treaties, they have left market forces to take the lead.亚洲各国政府让市场力量去推动一体化,而不是通过法律与条约来推动这一这一进程。

10.The Delegation referred to the safeguarding of exceptions and pmitations, presently in treaties that are still in force .该代表团提到必须保障目前仍然有效的条约所规定的例外和限制。