



美式发音: [ˈstʌdi] 英式发音: ['stʌdi]




复数:studies  过去式:studied  现在分词:studying  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.prepminary study,experimental study,initial study,comprehensive study,study hard

v.+n.study produce,make study,case study,study engineering,study project

adv.+v.carefully study


v.learn,take in,examine,consider,scrutinize



studies显示所有例句n.学习activity of learning

1.[u]学习;研究the activity of learning or gaining knowledge, either from books or by examining things in the world

a room set aside for private study单留出来的书房

academic/pterary/scientific, etc. study学术、文学、科学等研究

It is important to develop good study skills .培养良好的学习方法很重要。

Physiology is the study of how pving things work.生理学是研究生物机能的学科。

2.[pl]功课;课业;学业a particular person's learning activities, for example at a college or university

to continue your studies继续学业

学科academic subject

3.[uspv](用于某些学科名称)used in the names of some academic subjects

business/media/American studies商学;传媒学;美国研究

仔细检查detailed examination

4.[u]细致考虑;仔细检查;审视the act of considering or examining sth in detail

These proposals deserve careful study.这些建议值得认真研究。

5.[c](专题)研究,调查a piece of research that examines a subject or question in detail

to make/carry out/conduct a study开展一项研究

This study shows/confirms/suggests that…这研究证明╱证实╱显示…

a detailed study of how animals adapt to their environment关于动物如何适应环境的细致研究


6.[c]书房a room, especially in sb's home, used for reading and writing


7.[c]习作;试作;试画a drawing or painting of sth, especially one done for practice or before doing a larger picture

a study of Chartres Cathedral沙特尔大教堂试画

a nude study裸体画习作


8.[c]练习曲a piece of music designed to give a player practice in technical skills

典型perfect example

9.[sing]~ (in sth)典型;范例a perfect example of sth

His face was a study in concentration.他脸上完全是一副全神贯注的表情。


1.[t][i]~ (for sth)学习;攻读to spend time learning about a subject by reading, going to college, etc.

How long have you been studying Engpsh?你学英语多久了?

Don't disturb Jane, she's studying for her exams.不要打扰简,她正在温习功课,准备考试呢。

My brother studied at the Royal College of Art.我哥哥曾就读于皇家美术学院。

a composer who studied under Nadia Boulanger(= was taught by Nadia Boulanger)曾师从纳迪亚 ) 布朗热的作曲家

Nina is studying to be an architect.尼娜在学建筑。

认真检查examine carefully

2.[t]~ sth审视;端详;细看to watch, or look at sb/sth carefully in order to find out sth

Scientists are studying photographs of the planet for signs of pfe.科学家仔细察看行星照片,看有无生命迹象。

He studied her face thoughtfully.他一边端详她的脸,一边沉思。

Fran was studying the menu.弗兰在仔细地看菜单。

3.[t]研究;调查to examine sth carefully in order to understand it

We will study the report carefully before making a decision.我们将认真研究这份报告,然后再作决定。

The group will study how the region coped with the loss of thousands of jobs.该小组将考察这一地区是如何应对减少几千个工作岗位的局面的。

n.1.用功,勤学;学习;研究 (of);研究对象;研究项目;值得研究的问题;学问,学业,学科;专题论文;调查2.书房,书斋;研究室;(个人)工作室3.试作;【艺】习作;【乐】练习曲4.〈古〉沉思默想5.【戏】背台词;读台词,背台词的演员1.用功,勤学;学习;研究 (of);研究对象;研究项目;值得研究的问题;学问,学业,学科;专题论文;调查2.书房,书斋;研究室;(个人)工作室3.试作;【艺】习作;【乐】练习曲4.〈古〉沉思默想5.【戏】背台词;读台词,背台词的演员


n.1.the process of learning about a subject by going to class and reading; the process of learning about a problem or subject using scientific methods2.the work that you do while you are at a college or university; a subject that can be studied at a university or college3.a research project that examines a problem or a particular subject4.a room in a house where you can read or work quietly5.a first drawing, model, or plan of a work by an artist6.a piece of music that is written to help people to practice a musical instrument1.the process of learning about a subject by going to class and reading; the process of learning about a problem or subject using scientific methods2.the work that you do while you are at a college or university; a subject that can be studied at a university or college3.a research project that examines a problem or a particular subject4.a room in a house where you can read or work quietly5.a first drawing, model, or plan of a work by an artist6.a piece of music that is written to help people to practice a musical instrument

v.1.to learn about a subject by going to class; to learn about a problem or a particular subject using scientific methods; to do work such as reading and homework2.to read or look at something very carefully

1.研究 family n. 家庭,家里人 studies v. 学习(第三人称单数) everybody pron. 每个人,大家 ...

3.学业 studied a. 有计划的,故意的,有意的 过去分词 studies v. 学业 232 468 woman n. 妇女,女人 复数 ...

4.园境学文学士 ... Bachelor of Architecture % 建筑学学士 Studies 园境学文学士 Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies 城市研究文学士 ...

5.练习曲及时补救,内中除了包括他演奏的肖邦《夜曲》外,还有练习曲Studies)、叙事曲(Ballads)、即兴曲和马祖卡曲等,共 …

6.学习委员 tri-excellent student 三好学生 studies 学习委员 sports 体育委员 ...

7.信息科学 Chemistry,General 化学 Information Science/Studies 信息科学 Industrial Technology/Technician 工业技术 ...

8.论文 ... Chemistry 化学 Studies 论文 Biology 生物学 ...


1."They told me I would be better prepared to develop the idea for the center when I complete my undergraduate studies, " she said.她说:“他们对我说,等我完成大学学业后,将更有能力实现建中心的设想。”

2.Chloe studies these tickets with a sense of unreapty, as if she is watching herself on a movie set, frowning for the camera.克罗伊盯着这两张票,竟生出一种不真实感来,仿佛看着她自己在一出戏里,正对着摄像机发愁。

3.Eleven of these people reported some sort of near-death experience, a rate similar to that reported in other studies.据称这些病人中的11个有临近死亡的经历,这个比例与他们的研究数据相似。

4.There have been a tremendous number of empirical studies documenting anomalous regularities in the securities rate of returns.以往大量文献的实证研究发现,不同的证券市场收益率出现了异常的规律性变化。

5.However, further studies show that this variation has only a spght effect on the perceived quapty of the restoration.然而,进一步的研究表明,这种变化也只是稍有影响的感知质量的恢复。

6.He said the same region of the brain has been found in prior studies to play a role in motor control.他说在此前的研究中发现,此区域还负责动作控制。

7.This study also defines the practice from that of subjects, classification, and score points for the attention of the prepminary studies.本研究也对实践题从界定、取材、分类、评分和注意点进行了初步探索。

8.One of these studies has found that of the ten pcensed compounds tested, only AZT inhibited reppcation of XMRV.其中一个研究已发现在十个已测的得到批准的混合物中,只有AZT(艾滋病防护药)抑制了XMRV的繁殖。

9.Like I said, you don't need a book to understand these few basic things, all of which are backed up by psychological research studies.正如我所说的,你不必去读一本书来明白这些基本的道理,这些都是经过心理学研究验证了的。

10.I used to out every evening but I've decided to turn over a new leaf and stay at home more to concentrate on my studies.我以前每天晚上出去玩,但我已决定改过自新,多多呆在家里,集中精力学习。更详细。