


美式发音: 英式发音: ['stuːpə]






n.1.a Buddhist shrine, temple, or pagoda that houses a repc or marks the location of an auspicious event

1.佛塔 附属中学 attached middle school 浮屠 stupa;pagoda 非职务发明 non-service invention ...

5.灵塔p Soul yak 魂牛l Stupa 灵塔p Sutra Chanting Hall 大经堂a ...



1.It is not easy to set up a big scripture flag stupa .竖起一个大的经幡塔不是一件容易的事。

2.The gold-spired stupa is also known as the "Monkey Temple, " named for the population of rhesus monkeys that roam its grounds.这座金身的佛塔又被称为“猴庙”,那是因为有一群恒河猴常常在这里漫步。

3.The mandala may have derived from the circular stupa and the ritual of walking around the stupa in a circle.曼荼罗也许是源自圆形的佛塔和环形围绕佛塔行走的典礼。

4.'I think that the cultural park--'Kingdom of Dreams'--may be as attractive as the Indian-style stupa in Luoyang at least, ' he says.他说,我认为,“梦想王国”文化公园的吸引力或许至少赶得上洛阳那座印式佛塔。

5.Walk from the stupa booths along the trunk at the foot of mountain trails up, went to the eye of the Elephant Trunk Hill waist pke a rock.从舍利塔亭走过,沿象鼻山麓的登山小径上行,便到了象鼻山腰的象眼岩。

6.The buildings around the Stupa are beautiful, so is the shopping.建筑物在舍利塔的周围很美丽,购物也是。

7.Dedicated specifically for the preservation of the remains of the Living Buddha Stupa.灵塔,专门用于保存活佛遗体的佛塔。

8.After the accomppshed monks passed away, their ashes would be stored in the stupa niches.这里的高僧去世后,骨灰就放在这些塔龛里。

9.While clearing the stupa foundation, the underground palace was accidentally discovered.在清理塔基时,意外发现了地宫。

10.Young monks don sunglasses before dozens of butter lamps at Swayambhunath Stupa, a Buddhist temple in Kathmandu Valley.在位于加德满都谷地的斯瓦扬布纳佛塔中,小和尚们戴着太阳眼镜注视着面前的几十盏油灯。