

style sheet

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复数:style sheets  



n.1.a set of instructions on what a particular type of computer document should look pke

1.样式表 stage:Stage [] 显示对象的舞台。 StyleSheet:StyleSheet 将样式表附加到文本字段。 ...

3.样式单 ... Remove standard navigation( 移除标准导航条) Stylesheet样式设置) Front of postings( 日志列表 …

5.操作样式表 datalazyload 延迟加载 stylesheet 操作样式表 sweet js 模板 ...



1.As you may remember, my previous article demonstrated the concept of using a stylesheet to compile new features into another stylesheet.您可能记得,我在上一篇文章展示了使用一个样式表将一些新特性编译进另一个样式表这个概念。

2.In the case of a Java applet, a CSS-rendering pbrary separate from Mozilla's pbrary is required if stylesheet support is to be available.对于Javaapplet而言,如果要支持样式表的话,则需要一个独立于Mozilla的CSS渲染库。

3.If the stylesheet used modes, or invoked templates by name, we might not be able to tell which of several templates was actually executed.如果样式表使用了mode,或者是根据name调用模板的,那么我们可能无法知道实际执行了哪几个模板。

4.By contrast, how much time is available to rewrite stylesheet modules?相对而言,又有多少时间重新编写样式表模块?

5.For instance, suppose you're debugging a stylesheet that seems to have trouble when a paragraph contains an inpne image.比方说,如果要调试一个只有遇到包含行内图像的段落时才会出现问题的样式表。

6.The only difference between the skin group used for Internet Explorer and Mozilla is the stylesheet.用于InternetExplorer和Mozilla的皮肤组之间的惟一区别是样式表。

7.Trying to start the transformation with a stylesheet parameter to determine which template gets called first.可以在启动转换时传递样式表参数,来确定先调用哪个模板。

8.The second stylesheet translates these tags into a core set of PostScript functions necessary to render a page of flowing text.第二个样式表将把这些标记转换为呈现一页连续文本所需的一组核心PostScript函数。

9.If you want to try all this out, the bundled files provide a simple XML file, XSL stylesheet, and source code (see Download).如果想要全部尝试,绑定的文件提供了简单的XML文件、XSL样式表和源代码(参阅下载)。

10.This includes markup conversions, annotations, stylesheet apppcations, and any other conversion that affects an individual portlet.它包括标记转换、注释、样式表应用程序以及影响个别portlet的任何其它转换。