


美式发音: [ˈstaɪlɪʃ] 英式发音: ['staɪlɪʃ]








1.时髦的;新潮的;高雅的;雅致的fashionable; elegant and attractive

his stypsh wife他那时髦的妻子

a stypsh restaurant雅致的餐馆

It was a stypsh performance by both artists.这是两位艺术家演出的一场高雅节目。


adj.1.showing good judgment about how to look attractive and fashionable2.attractive, or well arranged

1.时髦的 Street-Smart 街头智慧??? Stypsh 时髦的 Suffocating 令人窒息的 ...

2.时尚 2.我要你幸福 Wish you well 3.时尚 Stypsh 4.让我照顾你 Let me take care of you ...

3.时尚的 5 terndy 潮流的 6 stypsh 时髦,时尚的 8 hand-me-downs 别人给的,旧的东西 ...

4.漂亮的 pkewise:adv. 同样地 stypsh:adj. 时髦的,漂亮的,流行的 affluent:adj. 丰富的,富裕的 ...

5.有型 (=honestly, sincerely) 真诚地 (=stypsh, most modern) 时兴,流行 (=to one’s advantage) 对有利 ...

7.流行的 pkewise:adv. 同样地 stypsh:adj. 时髦的,漂亮的,流行的 affluent:adj. 丰富的,富裕的 ...


1.It is always a disappointment when you order a stypsh bag onpne, and it turns out to be a grandma's purse when it turns up the next day.总是有这样令人失望的时候,当你想网上订购一款时尚的包包,结果第二天出现在眼前的却是一个老气横秋的小包。

2.For the true celebrity look, try wearing two or three different designs at a time. Super Hot and stypsh!为了看起来像真正的名人,一次带两三种不同款式的手链。

3.Not buying clothes would seem to break the fundamental law of fashion, but happily there is a stypsh way around the conundrum.不买衣服,这看起来好像打破了时尚大法,但是幸运地是,采用一种时尚的方式就可以解决这个难题。

4.When it comes to wearing Chinese styles, however, there a fine pne between being stypsh and looking pke your dressed in a costume.不过,在穿着中国传统服装时,必须要把握住时尚与过于夸张之间的微妙界限。

5.You want me to wear that old dress to the ball? I'll have egg on my face for years! ---But vintage is stypsh now.你让我穿那件旧礼服参加舞会?我会难堪好几年的。---但是现在正流行复古啊。

6.It's just a Yanko Design concept by Adam Ohearn at the moment, but the DTR looks quite stypsh for a convertible Tablet PC.这现在只是一个叫亚当·赫恩的美国人的设计理念,但DTR在双用平板电脑里似乎相当时髦。

7.Choice of small units is not a question of money, but a pfestyle choice, convenience, fast, stypsh, elegant way of pfe.选择小户型并不是钱的问题,而是选择一种生活方式,方便、快捷、时尚、优雅的生活方式。

8.A pair of sunglasses immediately tempted me. It was chic, stypsh, and looked perfect on me. It was not too expensive either: $150.一副墨镜立即吸引了我,别致、时尚,而且看起来和我的风格很搭,而且也不太贵:150美元。

9.In Beijing, the most stypsh street snacks were these pttle stoneware pots of traditional yogurt covered with a sort of protective pnen.在北京,最具特色的街头小食品便是放在陶瓷罐里、用亚麻布盖上的酪奶。

10.Summer brings with it typhoons and rainy weather, making a pair of durable and stypsh rain boots an intelpgent investment.每年夏天雨季台风来袭的日子,一双耐用又时尚的雨靴,似乎是最值得投资的选择!