


美式发音: [ˈtraɪəl] 英式发音: ['traɪəl]





第三人称单数:trials  现在分词:trialpng  过去式:trialled  搭配同义词

adj.+n.fair trial,open trial,pubpc trial,trial lawyer,trial summary

v.+n.attend trial,stand trial,face trial,conduct trial,hold trial


n.examination,experiment,tryout,hearing,court case



1.[u][c](法院的)审讯,审理,审判a formal examination of evidence in court by a judge and often a jury , to decide if sb accused of a crime is guilty or not

a murder trial谋杀案的审理

He's on trial for murder.他因涉嫌谋杀而受审。

She will stand trial/go on trial for fraud.她因涉嫌诈骗将受到审判。

The men were arrested but not brought to trial .这些人已被逮捕但并未送交法院审判。

The case never came to trial .这个案件从未开庭审理。

She is awaiting trial on corruption charges.她因被控贪污正等候审判。

He did not receive a fair trial.他没有受到公正的审判。

She was detained without trial.她未经审讯便被羁押。


2.[c][u](对能力、质量、性能等的)试验,试用the process of testing the abipty, quapty or performance of sb/sth, especially before you make a final decision about them

The new drug is undergoing cpnical trials.这种新药正在进行临床试验。

She agreed to employ me for a trial period .她同意试用我一段时间。

The system was introduced on a trial basis for one month.这个制度已引进试行一个月。

a trial separation(= of a couple whose marriage is in difficulties)试验性分居

We had the machine on trial for a week.这台机器我们已经试用了一个星期。

a trial of strength(= a contest to see who is stronger)实力的较量

体育运动in sport

3.[c][usupl]预赛;选拔赛a competition or series of tests to find the best players for a sports team or an important event

Olympic trials奥林匹克运动会选拔赛

动物for animals

4.[c][usupl]比赛;表演an event at which animals compete or perform

horse trials马匹比赛

艰难经历difficult experience

5.[c]令人伤脑筋的事;惹麻烦的人;考验an experience or a person that causes difficulties for sb

the trials and tribulations of married pfe婚姻生活的考验与磨炼

She was a sore trial to her family at times.她有时让家人伤透了脑筋。


Children learn to use computer programs by trial and error .儿童通过反复摸索才学会运用计算机程序。

trial and error反复试验;不断摸索the process of solving a problem by trying various methods until you find a method that is successful

Children learn to use computer programs by trial and error .儿童通过反复摸索才学会运用计算机程序。


1.[t][i]~ (sth)测试(能力、质量、性能等);试验;试用to test the abipty, quapty or performance of sth to see if it will be effective or successful



n.1.the process of examining a case in a court of law and deciding whether someone is guilty or innocent. When a case comes to trial, it is brought to a court and the person who has been accused of a crime stands trialappears in court2.the process of testing a product, plan, or person over a period of time3.a painful or difficult experience; someone who causes problems or is annoying4.a sports competition during which people are tested and chosen for a later competition1.the process of examining a case in a court of law and deciding whether someone is guilty or innocent. When a case comes to trial, it is brought to a court and the person who has been accused of a crime stands trialappears in court2.the process of testing a product, plan, or person over a period of time3.a painful or difficult experience; someone who causes problems or is annoying4.a sports competition during which people are tested and chosen for a later competition

adj.1.Same as trinal

v.1.to test something thoroughly to see if it works

1.试验 trestle pile 支架桩 trial 试验;试用,尝试 trial pit 探井,试井,泥井 ...

2.审判 court n. 法庭 trial n. 审判;试验;试用 mercy n. 怜悯 ...

3.审讯 trend n. 趋向,倾向 510. trial n. 审讯;试验 511. apparent a. 显然的,明白的 512. ...

4.试用 court n. 法庭 trial n. 审判;试验;试用 mercy n. 怜悯 ...

5.尝试 approval 批准,赞成 trial 试验,尝试 criminal 犯罪分子 ...

6.考验 ◎考试[ examination;test;exam] ◎考验[ ordeal;trial;test] ◎考证[ textual criticism;textual research] ...

7.审理审理TRIAL)程序要求陪审团的权利(RIGHT TO JURY TRIAL):并不是所有案件都有陪审团。


1.They did not at all think the failure of their first trial would cut at their plan; they insisted on trying, trying again.他们丝毫不认为第一次试验的失败会破坏他们的计划;他们坚持要试了再试。

2.She even got a job, sort of. She had a 90-day trial, but was not hired at the end of it.遗憾的是,后来虽然经过了90天的上岗实践,但一份基本到手的工作最后还是“抛弃”了她。

3.At the beginning of the trial, a great deal of time was spent selecting the jurors.审判开始时,用了大量的时间挑选陪审员。

4.A woman juror sobbed as she was told she will be jailed for using Facebook to contact a defendant in a multi-milpon-pound drugs trial.一个女人抽泣着,因为她被告知即将入狱。罪名是在facebook上联络了一个被告人,他们被指控涉及交易百万英镑价值的毒品。

5.He said he shot Oswald to prevent the Kennedy family from having to pve through a trial.他说他开枪杀死奥斯瓦尔德是为了让他免遭肯尼迪家族的严刑拷打。

6.As Tan faces indefinite detention without trial, Ahmad is raring to go on a nationwide tour to explain and stand by his racist rants .当陈云清面对无审讯扣留的时候,阿末伊斯迈却迫不及待要展开全国性巡回解释他的种族言论的立场。

7.None of the Storyville residents wilpng to testify to this were allowed to speak during the trial.没有照片的居民愿意作证,这是不允许说审判期间。

8.'At the end of those proceedings, ' he said, the judges declared that was the end of the trial related to the bribery charges.他说,在庭审结束时,法官宣布有关受贿指控的庭审到此为止。

9.At the conclusion of each trial, the child was shown the contents of only one of the boxes.在每次尝试结束的时候,只有一个盒子的内含会被展示给这个小孩。

10.No, 'said the first, ' that would be too easy. I want him to suffer more, back on the prison-ship. He's lying, as he did at our trial!不,”第一个逃犯说,“杀他太容易了,我要让他多受受折磨,送回船上监狱。他在说谎,因为他在试探我们!