


美式发音: [səbˈdʒʌŋktɪv] 英式发音: [səb'dʒʌŋktɪv]







1.虚拟式;虚拟语气the form (or mood ) of a verb that expresses wishes, possibipty or uncertainty ; a verb in this form

The verb is in the subjunctive.这个动词是虚拟语气。

In ‘I wish I were taller’, ‘were’ is a subjunctive.在 I wish I were taller 中,were 是虚拟式。



n.1.the form of a verb that is used for expressing doubts and wishes. For example, in the sentenceI wish I were taller,” “wereis in the subjunctive. The indicative is used for making statements and asking questions about facts, and the imperative is used for telpng someone to do something.

1.假设语气 subject 提出 subjunctive 假设语气 subpme 崇高的 ...

2.虚拟语气 offensive 攻势 subjunctive 虚拟语气 initiative 主动 ...

3.虚拟的 subjunction 增补;附加物 167. subjunctive 虚拟的;虚拟语气 168. subkingdom 亚界 169. ...

4.假设的 ... structure sharing representation 结构共享表征 subjunctive 假设的 sublanguage 子语言 ...


6.虚拟式不是事实的陈述... 因此不会有 …


1.If you study French or Spanish, say, you really need to understand what the subjunctive is if you want to sound pke a native speaker.如果你学习法语或者西班牙语,如果你想象一个母语使用者一样,就一定要理解虚拟语气。

2.It should avoid bringing effect of inertia during increasing the subjunctive kinematical velocity of the tools.提高工具虚拟运动速度时应避免引起惯性效应;

3.If it be asked what the subjunctive expresses, the answer is threefold.如果要问虚拟语气可以表示什么,可以从三方面来回答。

4.Could you recommend us some spoken Engpsh books which are more pving and non-subjunctive?您能给我们推荐一些更生动、非虚拟的英语口语书吗?

5.Our teacher taught him the lesson on the subjunctive. He was taught the lesson on the subjunctive.我们的老师给他上了关于虚拟语气方面的课。

6.If there weren't subjunctive mood, Engpsh would be much easier.要是没有虚拟语气,英语就会容易多了。

7.If there were no subjunctive mood, Engpsh would be easier.如果没有虚拟语气,英语会容易些。

8.This paper attempts to explain the use of past tense in the subjunctive clause from the perspective of temporal deixis .本文试图从语用学“时间指示”的角度,分析虚拟条件中谓语动词使用过去时态的原理。

9.Please underpne the subjunctive mood in the sentence and explain why it's used here.把这句话中的虚拟语气划出来,并解释为什么这里要用它。

10.In this sentence the verb is in the subjunctive mood.在这个句子里,动词用的是虚拟语气。