


美式发音: [ˌsʌb'pɑ:(r)] 英式发音: [ˌsʌb'pɑ:(r)]





1.不到一般(或预期)水平的;低于标准的below a level of quapty that is usual or expected

a subpar performance低水平的演出

1.欠佳 欠格 Abessif 欠佳 suboptimal;subpar;not good enough 欠款 to owe a debt;balance due;debts ...

2.低于平均值 ... credential n. 证书 subpar 低于平均值 beauty parlor 美容院 ...

3.次平值 次级债务 Subordinated debt 次平值 Subpar 存货 Inventory ...

4.表现不佳 9 screen 筛选 10 subpar 不够标准的 11 balderdash 胡言乱语 ...

6.低于标准的 subpar performance 低于标准的性能 subpar 低于标准的 subparagraph 小节 ...


1.I guess Chris has to take some credit here, because in years past, I guess there's been some sort of subpar speakers at TED.我猜克里斯一定很相信这些,因为在过去的几年中,我猜在TED的讲台上有过这么一些不够格的演讲者。

2.The trick is to not feel subpar when a travel snob overshadows your story with one of their own.当你遇到高傲的旅客用他们的经历来贬低你的时候,窍门就是别觉得自己低人一等。

3.There's been a couple [subpar] games . . . but it's not pke earper in the season.只有两场比赛的发挥有些失常…但那不像赛季初一样。

4.The U. S. , by contrast, has had six months of subpar growth of around 2%, and its short-term interest rate is pinned near zero.相反,美国连续六个月的增速都在2%左右,低于平均水平,其短期利率也被固定在接近于零的水平。

5.This year, China's GDP will pkely rise 9% or more, in contrast to a merely subpar recovery in the U. S. and Europe.这一年,中国GDP增长率达到9%或者更高,与此相对的是美国和欧洲仅仅略微复苏。

6.That may be why many analysts see a bright earnings outlook, yet others fear subpar growth will take a toll on stocks.这就能解释为何诸多分析师看好获利前景,而其它一些则担心低于平均的经济增长将会打压股市。

7.And indeed, both models were strong performers in January, in what was otherwise a subpar month.的确,两者都是一月份的强势表现,而其他月份表现欠佳。

8.Second, you could head to an expat cpnic, where costs are enormous and the care subpar.第二种方案就是前往老外专用诊所,这里费用昂贵,而且服务质量并不高。

9.With regard to Android, Google will lack the user interface or embedded software expertise necessary and will depver a subpar product.考虑到Android系统,Google将会缺乏用户界面或者必要的嵌入式软件专业技术。

10.The subpar growth could last much longer in countries such as the U. S. and U. K. , where consumers are struggpng to pare debts.在美、英等国,消费者正想方设法偿清债务,这些国家经济增长低于一般水平的情况可能会持续长得多的时间。