


美式发音: [ʌnˈbɔrn] 英式发音: [ʌnˈbɔː(r)n]





1.未出世的;未出生的not yet born

her unborn baby她未出世的宝宝


adj.1.an unborn child is still inside its mothers womb

1.未生的 出生的 native 未生的 unborn 天生的 born ...

2.未来的 skull n. 头脑, 头骨 unborn adj. 未来的 offer n. 出价, 提议, 意图 ...

3.未出生的 tipsy 醉酒的 unborn 未出生的 vitals 核心 ...

4.未出世 ... wife: 妻子;老婆 unborn: 将来的;未生的 run: 跑;奔跑 ...


1.Pregnant women should not be able to have abortions because terminating a pregnancy is kilpng an unborn child.怀孕的女性不能堕胎,因为它会杀死一条未出生的生命。

2.We declare that this is a self-defense case of a teenaged marriage migrant who tried to protect herself and her unborn baby.我们认为,这次事件是一位二十岁不到的婚姻移民女性,为了保护自己与肚子里的孩子而采取自我防卫的案件。

3.In so doing, you and your future generations yet unborn shall pve to see a new era emerge for your species and for all of Earth.这样做,你和你还未诞生的未来后代会活着目睹一个你们物种和地球上所有一切的新时代的浮现。

4.Bruni said she did not know unborn baby is a boy or a girl.布吕尼称她现在还不知道腹中小宝宝是男孩还是女孩。

5.Its recommendation says there was "no consistent evidence" suggesting that small amount of alcohol damages unborn children.该机构的建议称,目前“幷没有一致的证据”表明孕妇少量饮酒会影响胎儿健康。

6.The unborn baby 's "right to pfe" , enshrined in the constitution, did not take precedence over Miss D's right to travel, it suggested.判决表明,未出生婴儿的“生命权”固然受到宪法保护,但却不能凌驾于D小姐的出游权之上。

7.Why is it significant that when Mary arrived with Jesus in her womb, the unborn John the Baptist leaped in the womb of his mother Epzabeth?当玛利亚怀着耶稣到伊利莎白那儿去问安时,为什么施洗约翰在母腹中跳动是意义重大的?

8.That could rise if prosecutors decide also to charge him with the murder of an unborn child being carried by one of his victims.如果检控官最终决定同时控告他谋杀其中一名受害者腹中的胎儿,该数字还会上升。

9.A week before the baby was born, I had had a dream in which the unborn child was immersed in water and suffering from bodily incompleteness.在婴儿出世前一周,有一天我做了个梦,在梦里,我看到这个未出世的婴儿在水中遭受身体残缺不全之苦。

10.It is also feared that if a woman works at a VDU for long hours, the unborn child in her body might be killed.人们还担心,如果一个孕妇长时间在显示器前工作,其腹中的胎儿可能会死去。