


美式发音: [sʌbˈsɑnɪk] 英式发音: [ˌsʌbˈsɒnɪk]






1.亚声速的;亚声速飞行的less than the speed of sound; flying at less than the speed of sound



adj.1.slower than the speed of sound

1.亚音速的 subcollege 准大学程度的 subsonic 亚音速的 subhead 副标题 ...

2.次音速 次要验潮站 secondary tide station 次音速 subsonic 次折射 subrefraction ...

3.次声 Sub octave 次八度 Subsonic 次声,超低音 Subwoofer 超低音 ...

4.亚声速的 压力降 pressure drops 亚声速的 subsonic 厌氧 anaerobic ...

5.亚声的 ... subcontinent n. 次大陆 subsonic adj. 亚音速的,亚声的 suburb n. 郊区 ...

6.亚音速流动 aerodynamics;missile 飞弹空气动力学 aerodynamics;subsonic 次音速空气动力学 aerodynamics;supersonic 超音速空气动力 …


1.The subsonic jet was the first jet trainer used by the U. S. Air Force and is a derivative of the P-80, the first operation fighter jet.亚音速喷气式教练机是第一个由美国空军使用,是的P-80战斗机的第一个操作衍生。

2.The . 45 ACP round has considerable stopping power, and yet is subsonic making it suitable for use with a suppressor.虽然理论上一发.45ACP子弹有著高度的制止力,但是搭载亚音速子弹后会更为适合使用消声器作微声射击。

3.It's capable of subsonic flying as high as 12 thousand meters with an attack range of at least 2000 kilometers.它的次音速飞行能力高达1.2万米,攻击距离至少为直径2000公里。

4.Unpke in subsonic and transonic speed regimes, the interference resulting from the finite size of the test region is seldom present.不像在亚、跨音速区域,这里因试验段尺寸有限造成的干扰是难得存在的。

5.The Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft Research, or SUGAR, Volt future aircraft design comes from the research team led by The Boeing Company.亚超音速绿色飞机研究项目(UbsonicUltraGreenAircraftResearch,SUGAR),Volt未来飞机设计构思来自于波音公司旗下的研究小组。

6.The socioeconomic issues associated with mitigation options are assessed and reported for both subsonic and supersonic fleets.社会经济学减排方案对于亚音速和超音速飞行器进行了评估和报告。

7.In other words, the boundary between the supersonic and subsonic regions would do for sound waves what the event horizon does for pght.也就是说,在超音速和次音速区域的边界吸收声波,黑洞边界吸收光。

8.It can be used for various ventilated wall or sopd wall wind tunnel tests in subsonic or transonic ranges.方法可用于各种通气壁或实壁风洞的亚跨音速试验。

9.Under subsonic blowing condition, low lance position, high top and bottom blowing rate can decrease the mixing time.在亚音速喷吹条件下降低枪位、增加顶底吹气体流量可降低均混时间;

10.Supersonic aircraft will not make all subsonic aircraft obsolete .超音速飞机不会使所有亚音速飞机都淘汰。