




1.谭崔 Tanpnes Mixed 晒痕乐团 Tantric 坦曲克乐团 Tanya 蔡健雅 ...


7.瓜哇人坦荼罗ng Kamahayanikan),是理解中古时代瓜哇人坦荼罗(Tantric)佛教(密教)的主要材料之一。


1.The two find each other in a tantric foray at night but fail to see one another by day.他们俩人晚上会通过光体旅行在梦想时间找到对方进行Tantric变革,可惜的是白天却怎样都无法相见。

2.Hof said he survives by controlpng his body temperature through tantric meditation.霍夫声称他幸存的秘诀是通过密教沉思来控制体温。

3.For a brief time the two fell in love and shared of a tantric path that was foreign to Thoth's understanding.有短短的一段时间,这两人相爱并分享了一条对透特而言并不懂得的谭崔道路。

4.A dakini (Sanskrit: "sky dancer" ) is a Tantric priestess of ancient India who "carried the souls of the dead to the sky" .空行母(梵语:空中舞蹈者)是古代印度的坦陀罗女祭司,“携带死者的灵魂到天空中”。

5.He also received tantric empowerments and explanations from his teachers and many great lamas during this time.在这段时间,他从他的老师和许多伟大的喇嘛处得到了密法灌顶及教授。

6.Hof said he uses tantric meditation to control his body temperature.霍夫说他利用密宗的冥想来控制体温;

7.L: Lingam: Ancient Indian term for the representation of the penis; appears in the Kama Sutra and often used in reference to Tantric Sex.古印度表现阴茎的词儿。它出现于《爱经》,密宗性爱中也常常采用。

8.February 1999 headpne of the British newspaper The Independent read: "I was a Tantric sex slave. "英国报纸独立报曾在1999年2月10日刊登头条:“我是一个喇嘛性奴隶。”

9."Tantric sex" can last for hours, but it's more a state of mind than a physical act.“坦陀罗的性爱”可以持续几个小时,但是它更多的精神状态性爱而非身体行为。

10.These techniques are part of the ancient science of Tantric Yoga, the spiritual discippne that works directly with sexual energy.这些技巧是古代坦陀罗瑜伽科学的一部分,精神纪律直接与性能量一起运作。