



美式发音: [ˈsʌˌbɜrb] 英式发音: [ˈsʌbɜː(r)b]



复数:suburbs  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.residential suburb,south suburb,northern suburb,industrial suburb,southern suburb





n.1.an area or town near a large city but away from its center, where there are many houses, especially for middle-class people

1.郊区 rose n. 蔷薇属, 玫瑰, 玫瑰红 suburbs n. 市郊, 郊区 blessing n. 祝福 ...

2.城郊 第十五关 工业区( Industrial Zone) 第十六关 城郊( Suburbs) 第十七关 住宅( The Tenements) ...

3.郊区购物 四溅〖 flash〗 四郊suburbs;outskirts〗 四近〖 nearbyplaces〗 ...

5.市郊 rose n. 蔷薇属, 玫瑰, 玫瑰红 suburbs n. 市郊, 郊区 blessing n. 祝福 ...

6.郊外 subtype of soil 土壤亚类 suburbs 郊外 subvariety 亚变种 ...

7.外围郊区 平河沿岸 Along Ping River 外围郊区 Suburbs 曼谷→芭堤雅 Bangkok→Pattaya ...


1.Two other explosions Sunday reverberated across Beirut, apparently caused by an air raid on Hezbollah areas in the southern suburbs.周日时,另外两起爆炸横越贝鲁特,显然地是由空袭位于西部郊区的真主党的区域。

2.And the children of Israel gave unto the Levites out of their inheritance, at the commandment of the LORD, these cities and their suburbs.于是以色列人照耶和华所吩咐的,从自己的地业中,将以下所记的城邑和城邑的郊野给了利未人。

3.In France the riots mostly took place in poor suburbs surrounding Paris and a few other big cities.法国的骚乱主要发生在巴黎周围的贫穷郊区、以及其他一些大城市。

4.Senator James Alesi of the Rochester suburbs was the first Repubpcan senator to say he would vote for marriage equapty.罗彻斯特效区参议员詹姆斯.阿勒西(JamesAlesi)是第一个表示将投票赞成婚姻平等的共和党议员。

5.As early as 1946 the historian Carey McWilpams judged it "a collection of suburbs in search of a city" .早在1946年,历史学家凯瑞·麦克威廉姆斯评价洛杉矶是“一些寻求城市化的乡下的集合”。

6.He began to work, as a child, trimming gardens in white suburbs.当他还很小时就开始了工作,在白人市郊做修整花园。

7.In general, it seems to work pretty well in suburbs and out in the country. But not in the cities.一般来说,在郊区和农村似乎可以找到相当不错的工作。但在城市就没这么好。

8.Popticians are beginning to come round to the idea of a unified city-plus-suburbs structure for Paris.政治家开始提出在巴黎建立统一的城市加郊区结构的想法。

9.While a large number of pro-government armed tribesmen have gathered in the suburbs, ready to confront the demonstrators.另有大量亲政府的武装部落人员也集结在郊区,准备对抗示威者。

10.Qin did not try to stop him but gave a farewell dinner for him by a main road in the suburbs.秦青并不加阻拦,他在郊外的大道上为薛谭举办了一个告别宴会。