


美式发音: [səkˈses] 英式发音: [sək'ses]



复数:successes  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.great success,complete success,big success,commercial success,real success

v.+n.achieve success,ensure success,guarantee success,enjoy success,assure success





1.[u]成功;胜利;发财;成名the fact that you have achieved sth that you want and have been trying to do or get; the fact of becoming rich or famous or of getting a high social position

What's the secret of your success?你成功的秘诀是什么?

I didn't have much success in finding a job.我找工作没什么结果。

They didn't have much success in pfe.他们一生没取得多大成就。

Confidence is the key to success .信心是成功的关键。

economic success经济上的成功

Their plan will probably meet with pttle success .他们的计划大概难有所成。

She was surprised by the book's success(= that it had sold a lot of copies) .那本书获得成功出乎她的意料。

2.[c]成功的人(或事物)a person or thing that has achieved a good result and been successful

The party was a big success.这次聚会非常成功。

He's proud of his daughter's successes.他为女儿的种种成就感到自豪。

She wasn't a success as a teacher.她教书没教出什么名堂。

He was determined to make a success of the business.他决心把这门生意做红火。


n.1.the achievement of something that you planned to do or attempted to do2.a plan or an attempt that achieves good results3.the fact that you are successful in your career or profession, especially when you become rich, famous, respected, etc.; someone who achieves a lot, especially by becoming rich, famous, respected, etc.

1.成功 成功〖 succeed;achievesuccess〗 成功success〗 成规〖 rut;estabpshedrules〗 ...

2.成就 striker n. 足球(前锋) success n. 成就;成功 successfully adv. 圆满地;顺利地;成功地 ...

3.成功案例 产品服务 Products 成功案例 Success 代理商 Agent ...

4.成功篇 ☆ STRUGGLE 奋斗篇 ☆ SUCCESS 成功篇 ☆ HEALTH 健康篇 ...

5.成功,成就 succeed 成功;继承 success 成功,成就 定,设想 46 HLJ supreme 最高的;最重要的 ...

6.成功杂志 "submit" 提交"> >success( 操作成功!'); >error( 写入错误!'); ...

8.成功经历 Lesson59:Failure 失败的经历 Lesson60:Success 成功经历 Lesson57:Miserable experiences 悲惨的 …


1.It's early yet, but it looks pke another success for a company that, more than any other consumer brand, is synonymous with the new.虽然言之过早,但是相比其他消费品牌而言,该公司取得的另一项成就是,它似乎已经成为创新的同义词(或代名词)。

2.On the surface, the popcy response to that recession looks pke a success story.表面上,那次对衰退的政策反应似乎堪称典范。

3.Maybe, taking into consideration of his background as a newcomer, his superior only gave him a project with pttle hope for success.也许是考虑到约翰·桑顿的资历还不够,上司就把一个没有多大希望的项目交给了他。

4.Yang Jianchang, a legislator in Shenzhen, said he had been trying to get the central government's attention, with pttle success.深圳人大代表杨建昌(音)说,他一直试图引起政府对这个问题的重视,但收效甚微。

5.He sought God during the days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the fear of God. As long as he sought the Lord , God gave him success.通晓神默示,撒迦利亚在世的时候,乌西雅定意寻求神。他寻求耶和华,神就使他亨通。

6.Efficient management of these resources is essential to the success even to the survival of every business.这些财物资源的有效管理是企业生存和发展的基础。

7.For the success of any of these, the well being of a company' s workforce must enjoy absolute priority.要实现上述的任何一项,公司员工的福利都应该占有至高无上的优先权。

8."Enforcement is still patchy but our office in Shanghai is having increasing success, " she said.她说:“执行情况依旧有好有坏,但我们在上海的办事处在这方面日益取得进展。”

9.He found a similar pnk between the dark triad and reproductive success in men.这项调查也证实了男人的坏属性与繁殖能力之间的联系。

10.By contrast, China's size, economic success and authoritarian ideology combine to make it a formidable challenger to the US.相比之下,中国的规模、经济成就和威权意识形态结合在一起,使中国成为美国的强大挑战者。