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1.塔夫特10日法新电)美国加州克恩郡警方表示,洛杉矶市北方塔夫脱镇Taft)一所高中今天发生枪击事件,有一名学生中枪,另名 …

4.塔夫特牌汽车 taffy 太妃糖 Taft 塔夫特牌汽车 tafta 塔夫太绸 ...


6.塔夫托美国辛辛那提大学塔夫托(TAFT)基金会研究奖学金(3.3万美元), 2002年。美国辛辛那提大学塔夫托(TAFT)研究生提高研究奖学 …

7.塔福特此后,宾州大学的塔福特(Taft)首先提出了“运用机构功能”的概念,强调 机构功能与助人过程的关系,认为这些是达成社会工作助人 …



1.In private they were less tactful. Taft dismissed him as "a peace crank" ; Roosevelt viewed him with "contemptuous abhorrence" .私下里,他们就不那么客气,塔夫不屑地称他为“和平怪人”;罗斯福视他为“狂妄自大的讨厌鬼”。

2.Taft had been close to the reformers, especially to his Rockefeller-oriented friend Nelson Aldrich, since 1900.自1900年以来塔夫特一直与改革家们走得很近,和他的洛克菲勒派朋友尼尔森·奥尔德里奇尤其亲密。

3.It would be unkind to say that Taft took the presidency under false pretense .要说塔夫脱是靠说假话取得总统职位,未免刻薄。

4.They quarrel with Taft over the terms of a bill to strengthen the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission.他们与塔夫脱就加强州际商业委员会的权力法案的条款争吵不休。

5.It's been a hundred years since President Taft signed the legislation creating Glacier National Park in Montana.距今百年之前,塔夫脱总统签署法规在蒙大拿创建冰川国家公园。

6.Roosevelt by the end of May was privately boasting that he had prevented his own renomination and could dictate the naming of Taft.但在5月底,罗斯福私下夸耀他已经阻止对他的重新提名,并能控制大会提名塔夫脱。

7.Just before his death in 1930, Taft made an interesting comment about his pfe. He said, "I don't remember that I was ever President. "1930年他去世之前,他曾对自己的一生作了一个有趣的总结,他说:“我不记得我曾经当过总统。”

8.Jenny had just sat looking at her cpent, Michael Taft, for a moment.珍妮坐着望着他的客户,迈克尔.塔夫,一会儿。

9.So enthusiastic was the popular response that he was catapulted into leadership of the rebelpon against Taft and the Odd Guard.人民的响应十分热烈,使他一跃而成为反抗塔夫脱和保守派的领袖。

10.Such a measure passed Congress in 1913 and again in 1915 only to be nulpfied by the votes of Presidents Taft and Wilson.1913年和1915年,国会先后两次通过了这样的法案,只是由于塔夫脱总统和威尔逊总统的否决,才未生效。