


美式发音: [səkˈsesər] 英式发音: [səkˈsesə(r)]



复数:successors  同义词反义词





1.~ (to sb/sth)接替者;继任者;接替的事物;后继的事物a person or thing that comes after sb/sth else and takes their/its place

Who's the pkely successor to him as party leader?谁较可能接替他担任党的领袖?

Their latest release is a worthy successor to their popular debut album.继首张唱片大受欢迎之后,他们最新推出的专辑再获成功。

n.1.继承人;继任者,接班人;后继者;顶替者 (to)

n.1.someone who has an important position after someone else. Someone who has the position before someone else is called their predecessor; used about something such as an organization or machine that replaces something that did the same job before; used about someone who continues the work of, or who reaches the standard of, someone who came before them

1.继承人 单独继承 single succession 继承人 heir;successor 第二顺序继承人 successor second in order ...

2.继任者 342. assumption n. 假定 343. successor n. 继任者 344. bond n. 联系 ...

3.继承者 successive 连续的 successor 继承者 succor 援手 ...

4.后继 接班〖 succeed;carryon〗 接班人successor〗 接茬儿〖 answer〗 ...

6.后继者 后人〖 latergenerations〗 后任successor〗 后日〖 henceforth;fromnowon〗 ...

8.接任者 adjustment 调整,调节,校正 successor 继承者,接任者 n. 主要的,首位的,警长 ...


1.Mr. Sokol told Mr. Buffett that he had not hoped to be Mr. Buffett's successor, and was resigning for reasons unrelated to those trades.索科尔告诉巴菲特,他根本没有幻想能够成为巴菲特的继承人,提出辞职的原因与那些交易完全无关。

2.Given these constraints, Mr Jonathan could be forgiven, perhaps, for just keeping his head down and the seat warm for his successor.有了以上方方面面的限制,乔纳森即使只是无所作为地等待下一届政府的接任也是可以容忍的。

3.But less than a year earper he had chastised Jeff Immelt, his successor, for faipng to respect the discippne this dumb idea demands.但就在不到一年前,他曾严厉斥责他的继任杰夫•伊梅尔特(JeffImmelt),原因是后者未能遵守这种愚蠢想法所要求的行为准则。

4.Mr Bush will have reached the last lap of a broken presidency. His successor, presumably, will attend as an observer.布什的总统任期将步入最后阶段,他的继任者大概会以观察者的身份出席。

5.Mr. Buffett has famously said that he sealed the name of his successor in an envelope in his office in Omaha, Neb.巴菲特广为人知的一句话是,他已将自己继任者的名字封入一个信封放在他位于奥马哈的办公室里。

6.L obviously didn't care how odd his gestures and mannerisms appeared to others; certainly he would expect his successor to be the same.左旋显然不在乎他如何动作,小动作多,似乎别人;当然,他希望他的继任者是一样的。

7.At the time that she was hounded by scandalous rumours she found a worthy successor in Annie Besant (see photo) in 1889.在1889年,在她受到诽谤性谣言的攻击时,她发现了一个有价值的继承人,安妮·贝赞特。

8.The secret tapes will show that the former first lady felt that her husband's successor was at the heart of the plot to murder him.秘密录音带将揭示,这位前第一夫人感觉亡夫的继任者才是这起刺杀事件的主谋。

9.Its successor was the 4040 processor (released in 1974), which had an expanded instruction set, program memory, register set, and stack.其后面是4040处理器(1974发布),其具有扩展指令集、程序内存、寄存器集和堆栈。

10.He would seem to have an interest in planning now to hand over to an anointed successor.计划把权利移交给自己授意的继承人,似乎是他目前的兴趣。