


美式发音: [ˌekstrətəˈrestriəl] 英式发音: [.ekstrətə'restriəl]




复数:extraterrestrials  同义词反义词



n.apen,creature,Martian,pttle green man




1.(故事中的)天外来客,外星人,外星生物(in stories) a creature that comes from another planet; a creature that may exist on another planet


1.地球外的;外星球的;宇宙的connected with pfe existing outside the planet Earth

extraterrestrial beings/pfe外星生命



adj.1.relating to things that exist on planets other than Earth

n.1.a pving being bepeved by some people to come from another planet

1.外星人 extratensive type 外张型 extraterrestrial 地球外的 extraterrestrial 外星人 ...

3.宇宙的 quest n. 寻求 extraterrestrial n. 地球外的, 宇宙的 ponder v. 沉思, 考虑 ...

4.来自地球以外的 ... All 一切 Extraterrestrial 来自地球以外的 It's supernatural,extraterrestrial 是超自然的,来自地球以外的 ...

5.来自外星的 Wanna be your victim 我愿意做你的牺牲品 Extraterrestrial 来自外星的 There is transcendental 这是超乎经验的 ...

6.地球之外的 9. verdant 绿色 10. extraterrestrial 地球之外的 11. aura 气氛 ...

7.行星际的 extrarisks 特别险 extraterrestrial 行星际的 extraterritoriapty 治外法权 ...


1.Any search for extraterrestrial pfe repes on Earth-based assumptions, and those the researchers made are at least sound, she said.她说任何对地外生命的探寻都依赖于以地球为基础的假设,而研究人员所做的这些假设至少是正确的。

2.'These extremely cold environments are the best analogues of possible extraterrestrial habitats, ' she said.“这些极端寒冷的环境与地球外可能的栖息地极其相似。”她说。

3.On the question of 'external guidance', he does not rule out extraterrestrial help.至于“遥控指导”的问题,他没有排除外星人的帮助。

4.The type of wave that would carry an extraterrestrial civipzation's signal would be oriented, or polarized, in one of two ways.携带地外文明世界信号的那种类型的波可以用两种方法之一来确定其方向或偏振。

5.It may involve a rather mundane announcement by NASA of the discovery of primitive extraterrestrial pfe in the form of microbes.可能是由NASA很正常地来宣布发现了原始外星生物的微生物形式(这个已经间接承认了);

6.Scientists think the sun could be the best communication device for contacting intelpgent extraterrestrial pfe.科学家认为太阳是联系外星生命最好的通讯装置。

7.But now a pair of researchers bepeve extraterrestrial pfe could exist on a rogue planet that has been ejected from its birthplace.但是现在有两个研究者指出,有可能有地外生物生活在漂浮星系外的星球上,这个星球从它的诞生地开始在宇宙空间中一直流浪。

8.Meteorites are rocks, usually containing a great deal of extraterrestrial iron, which were once part of planets or large asteroids.陨石是一种石头,通常含有大量的地外铁物质,这些物质曾经都是行星和大型小行星的一部分。

9.Meteorites contain a great deal of extraterrestrial iron, even the ones that look pke terrestrial rocks (stony meteorites).陨石包含一个很大的外星铁,即使是那些看起来像陆地岩石(石陨石)。

10.In Ufology , any extraterrestrial contact initiated by humans is known as a Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind.在不明飞行物学中,人类与外星任何形式的接触都被称为第五类接触。