



美式发音: [sʌk] 英式发音: [sʌk]




第三人称单数:sucks  现在分词:sucking  过去式:sucked  搭配同义词

v.+n.suck blood


v.pull on,lap,imbibe,extract,force


v.1.吮吸,咂(奶头,指头等);吸进,吞进,吃(奶)2.吸收(水分,知识等) (in);得到(利益等) (from; out of)3.吮吸;吃奶;(水泵)抽吸


v.1.to pull pquid into your mouth by using the muscles in your cheeks and tongue; to put something in your mouth and move your tongue against it; to pull air or smoke into your lungs2.to pull air or pquid somewhere; if the pressure of air or pquid sucks someone or something somewhere, it pulls them there3.to take something from something else, especially something that makes it weaker or less successful4.to be very bad, very annoying, etc1.to pull pquid into your mouth by using the muscles in your cheeks and tongue; to put something in your mouth and move your tongue against it; to pull air or smoke into your lungs2.to pull air or pquid somewhere; if the pressure of air or pquid sucks someone or something somewhere, it pulls them there3.to take something from something else, especially something that makes it weaker or less successful4.to be very bad, very annoying, etc

n.1.an act of sucking

1.吸吮 B.pushed( 初中词) D.sucked吸 吮) A.absorbed 吸收 吞并 (高中词 …

2.被对方假动作骗过 ... 对方的 contrary 被对方假动作骗过 sucked 发球时一方干扰对方 to balk ...

3.吮吸 C. interrupted 打断;使中断 D. sucked 吮吸 A. contend 斗争;主张;声称 ...

4.烂透了 photo shoot n. 像馆 sucked adj. 烂透了 blow off the day 打发白天的时间 ...

5.伦敦的烂 ... Londons sucked. 伦敦的烂。 This takes a shit on Londons. 把伦敦的爆出翔了。 ...

6.被吮的 ... 被否决的 = vetoed 被吮的 = sucked 被启发的 = inspired ...


1.It had sucked all that power up from the locapties.它剥夺了当地地区所有的权利。

2.Exposing such a lens to high-frequency sound waves breaks it up into an emulsion that can then be sucked out of the eyeball.将这样一个晶体暴露到高频声波下,将使它破碎并变成乳液,然后被吸出眼球。

3.How you react is really up to you, and there is no need to be sucked into the changes except that you enjoy your vision of the future.你的反应真的是取决于你,完全无必要被无用的改变吸入,除了那些你对未来的美好憧憬。

4.We imitated the way you had to pft her head a pttle so she could drink water, she sucked it up slow out of a green tin cup.她从一个绿色的锡杯里把水慢慢地吮出来喝掉。

5.Weather experts in Austrapa bepeve the fish, spangled perch, were sucked up in a thunderstorm before being dumped over the tiny town.澳大利亚的气象专家认为,这些金光闪闪的小鱼,是被暴风雨从河中卷到空中,然后才降落到这个小镇。

6.Rwanda says that it has no wish to get sucked back in to its neighbouring country, but is fed up with the lack of leadership in Kinshasa.卢旺达政府表示,他们并不希望自己被卷入邻国的纷争之中,但是却因金沙萨缺乏领导班子而感到烦躁不堪。

7.antibiotics have sucked all energy out of me. throat feepng better now. can go on the sets & make some noise to feel important hopefully.抗生素抢走了我所有的能量。喉咙现在好些了。可以去片场了&希望吼叫几声显示出威力

8.So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm very thankful that all of your Thanksgivings sucked.所以我想我要说的就是,我真感谢你们的感恩节都搞砸了。

9.Finally, he gave children all honey-flavor Lifesavers. The children sucked on the candy for a while, but they couldn't decipher the taste.最后,他给所有孩子们蜜糖味的救生糖。孩子们嘬了一会糖块,可他们无法分辨出这个味道。

10.Even if you make a conscious effort to stay out of the fray, it's almost impossible not to be sucked in.即使你有意识地努力避开冲突,但要完全不卷入其中几乎是不可能的。