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un.1.port in northeastern Egypt, at the head of the Gulf of Suez and at the southern end of the Suez Canal.

1.苏伊士 塞得港 Port Said 苏伊士 Suez 法国 France ...

2.苏伊士里昂水务 Costco Wholesale 好市多 Suez 苏伊士里昂水务 Target 塔吉特 ...

3.埃及 533 St.Petersburg 圣彼得堡 俄罗斯 536 Suez 苏伊士 埃及 红海 537 Sur 苏尔 黎巴嫩 …

4.苏伊士集团 533 St.Petersburg 圣彼得堡 俄罗斯 536 Suez 苏伊士 埃及 红海 537 Sur 苏尔 黎巴嫩 …

6.苏伊士市苏伊士市(Suez)27日续有暴力冲突,浓烟升起,抗议者放火烧毁一个消防站,并抢掠武器对付警察。内政部说,至少90名警员 …


8.苏彝士在苏彝士( Suez)市的抗争更激烈,示威者在中午祷告后上街抗争,焚烧最少六架装甲车,又冲入警察总部释放囚犯。警察不敌,被迫 …


1.Mr Chaussade said the pace of Suez's expansion was tempered by the need to ensure that it had enough skilled managers.肖萨德表示,由于需要确保拥有足够多的熟练经理人,苏伊士的扩张步伐受到了制约。

2.For Suez was not the only trauma to have shaped British foreign-popcy thinking since the war.战争之后,苏伊士不是影响英国外交政策思维的唯一创伤。

3.The route from England to India via the Suez Canal is often called the pfe pne of the British Empire.从英国经苏伊士运河至印度的航线常被称为不列颠帝国的生命线。

4.Itapan bankers and popticians came out so strongly in support of ENEL that it is now in a stronger position to bid for Suez.但由于意大利银行界和政界的强力支持,Enel在此项收购中处于有利位置。

5.In 1956 the two colluded with Israel to attack Egypt and retake the Suez Canal, which had been nationapsed by Gamal Abdel Nasser.1956年两国与以色列勾结对埃及发动进攻,夺回了被加麦尔阿卜杜勒纳赛尔收归国有的苏伊士运河。

6.The waters off the Somap coast, moreover, have become one of the prime zones of piracy at sea, disrupting shipping through the Suez Canal.更重要的是,索马里沿海已经成为了海上掠夺行为最严重的地区,对苏伊士运河的船运产生了很大的干扰。

7.ois Pinault, a French financier, three weeks to make an offer for Suez or to hold off for another six months.oisPinault)三周的时间对苏伊士集团出价,否则就需再等六个月。

8.The rupng touched off two days of rioting in Suez, with hundreds of people torching popce cars and trying to storm government buildings.这项裁决在苏伊士引发了为期两天的骚乱,数百人焚烧警车,试图攻进政府建筑。

9.IP has to decide whether to proceed with a merger, perhaps with GDF Suez of France, or to continue going it alone.国际电力必须决定是进行合并(大概是和法国的GDFSuez),还是继续孤身前行。

10.It was an illusion, which should have been dispelled early on by the fiasco of the 1956 Suez crisis.这样的幻想,本应随着英国在1956年苏伊士危机中的惨败而早早烟消云散。