

sugar maple

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n.1.a maple tree from whose sweet sap maple sugar and maple syrup are made.

1.糖枫30002090 拍摄时间: 瓜皮槭树,学名:Acer rubinerve Sieb. et Zu…

3.砂糖枫,软枫木不适合用来做前截,硬枫 木又分为两种:一 糖枫木Sugar Maple)、二 黑枫(Black Maple),其中糖枫木被用来 …

6.糖槭树 ... 糖槭 acer saccharum 糖槭树 sugar maple 亚欧混血 eurasian ...

7.蜜糖枫树略有不同,上图中左侧为挪威枫叶,右侧为加拿大出产的蜜糖枫树(sugar maple)上的枫叶,后者也被用在了加拿大的国旗上。


1.The wood of any of these trees, especially the hard, close-grained wood of the sugar maple , often used for furniture and flooring.槭树材这些树木的任一种木材,尤指坚硬、木纹细密的糖槭木材,通常用于做家具和地板。

2.Each February, Mister Limberty and his wife, Jennifer Esser, drill holes into their sugar maple trees.每年二月,Limberty和他的妻子在糖枫树上钻洞。

3.Among the species headed north are the northern white cedar, American basswood, sugar maple, black ash, big tooth aspen, and yellow birch.向被迁移的物种包括北部白雪松,美国椴木,糖枫树,黑梣树,大齿白杨和黄桦。

4.After pquid sap is taken from sugar maple trees , it goes to a sugarhouse where the sap is boiled .当从糖枫树上采集到树液之后,树液就会被送往制糖场进行熬制。

5.Maple is the most common tree in Montreal, due to the production of maple sugar, maple sugar, Montreal and Quebec is a sign of a long time.枫树是蒙特利尔最常见的树,由于枫叶糖的生产,糖枫更是蒙特利尔和魁北克省长期以来的标志。

6.Winter twig The leaves are opposite, hence the leaf scars are opposite on winter twigs; this example is Acer saccharum, sugar maple.树叶是相反的,因此叶伤疤冬天树枝相反,这个例子是糖槭,糖槭。

7.That quart of maple syrup on your table was boiled down from roughly 10 gallons of sap from a sugar-maple tree.你餐桌上的一品托槭糖浆需要由糖槭树排出的十加仑的树液熬制而成。

8.Vermont's outstanding array of fall fopage is highpghted by the colorful sugar maple.气候图片画廊。佛蒙特州显著的打扮的秋天树叶是突出的华美的糖枫。

9.the native North American sugar maple ; many native artists studied abroad.北美土产的糖枫;许多本地的艺术家在国外学习。

10.In addition, sugar maple leaves will decompose in storage into anthocyanins, the leaf color is more beautiful, fiery red.除此之外,枫叶中贮存的糖分还会分解转变成花青素,使叶片的颜色更加艳丽、火红。