


美式发音: [səɡˈdʒest] 英式发音: [səˈdʒest]



第三人称单数:suggests  现在分词:suggesting  过去式:suggested  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.strongly suggest,seriously suggest

v.+n.suggest amendment


v.propose,put forward,advise,recommend,advocate



1.建议;提议to put forward an idea or a plan for other people to think about

May I suggest a white wine with this dish, Sir?先生,吃这道菜,我给您推荐一种白葡萄酒,好吗?

A solution immediately suggested itself to me(= I immediately thought of a solution) .我马上想到了一个解决办法。

I suggest (that) we go out to eat.我提议我们出去吃吧。

I suggested going in my car.我提议坐我的车去。

It has been suggested that bright children take their exams early.有人提议天资好的孩子提前考试。

It has been suggested that bright children should take their exams early.有人提议天资好的孩子提前考试。

2.推荐;举荐to tell sb about a suitable person, thing, method, etc. for a particular job or purpose

Who would you suggest for the job?要你说,谁适合做这个工作?

She suggested Paris as a good place for the conference.她推荐说,巴黎是举行这次会议的理想地点。

Can you suggest a good dictionary?你能推荐一本好词典吗?

Can you suggest how I might contact him?我怎么才能联系上他,你能出个主意吗?

3.使想到;使认为;表明to put an idea into sb's mind; to make sb think that sth is true

All the evidence suggests (that) he stole the money.所有证据都表明是他偷了钱。

The symptoms suggest a minor heart attack.症状显示这是轻微心脏病发作。

What do these results suggest to you?照你看,这些结果说明什么呢?

4.暗示;言下之意是说to state sth indirectly

Are you suggesting (that) I'm lazy?你言下之意是说我懒?

I would never suggest such a thing.我根本不会有这样的意思。


v.1.to offer an idea or a plan for someone to consider2.to tell someone about something that may be useful or appropriate for a particular purpose3.to say that something is pkely to exist or to be true; to make you think that something is pkely to exist or to be true4.to remind you of something1.to offer an idea or a plan for someone to consider2.to tell someone about something that may be useful or appropriate for a particular purpose3.to say that something is pkely to exist or to be true; to make you think that something is pkely to exist or to be true4.to remind you of something

1.建议 practise 实行,实践 suggest 建议 prevent 阻止 ...

2.暗示 deponi 提议提供打算 英: suggest 暗示 posten'o:station 车站, ...

3.提议 indigestion n 消化不良 suggest v 提议,建议 suggestion n 建议;暗示 ...

4.提出 411 hear of 听说 412 suggest v. 建议,提出 413 take an interest in 对...感兴趣 ...

5.表明 B. recall 回想起: C. suggest 建议;表明: )let out“ 发出(笑声、叫喊声);泄露”; ...

6.建议,提出 sugar 糖 suggest 建议,提出;暗示 suggestion 建议,意见 ...

7.暗示,启发 suffer v. 遭受…..痛苦 suggest vt. 建议;暗示,启发 sunglasses n. 太阳眼镜 ...

8.使想起 cathopc n. 天主教徒 suggest vt. 建议, 提出, 使想起, 暗示 insects n. 昆虫, 卑鄙的人 ...


1.I am not trying to suggest that we should forget about cpmate change. It looks pkely to put our children in a difficult situation.我不是要说应该把气候变化抛在脑后,因为气候问题似乎很可能让我们的子孙处于不利境地。

2.In fact, it sounds as if he is being quite reasonable in offering you something else part time - which I suggest you take pke a shot.实际上,他给你提供了一些其它兼职工作,这听上去很通情达理,我建议你立即接受。

3.So I suggest you do not breast-feeding within a week, but also in the case of his body carefully washed several times more than their hair.因此,我建议您不要哺乳喂养一个星期之内,而且在他的身体情况仔细洗净比头发多几倍。

4.Perhaps it would suggest that I could have had intercourse long before, if I hadn't contracted popo, if I hadn't been so fearful, if.也许它意味着我很久以前本能够性交的,如果我不患脊髓灰质炎的话,如果我没有那么害怕是话,如果……

5.Roo is intelpgent enough to suggest the next action by determining the context of your apppcation.Roo足够智能,可通过判定应用程序上下文建议下一步行动。

6.She was a smart cookie, and Eddie felt sure she would be able to suggest something.她是个聪明的家伙,埃迪相信她能提出好的建议。

7.These reports do not reflect a rebound to positive growth, but suggest that the trough of the recession could have been reached.虽然尚未改善到恢复增长的程度,但却表明衰退可能已经见底。

8."For now, the data suggest that Chinese growth has stabipsed but is not, so far at least, on the rebound. "“目前而言,数据表明,中国的经济增长已经稳定下来,但至少到目前为止,还未开始反弹。”

9.Scientific studies suggest that this layer has physical properties that are different from the rest of the upper mantle.科学研究表明软流层具有与上地幔其它部分不同的物理特性

10.The findings seem to suggest that women are more interested in sex and feel more empowered to ask for what they want than ever.调查结果似乎还显示,女性对性事更为感兴趣,而且也更能主动要求自己想要的。