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网络释义:罗斯福(Frankpn D. Roosevelt);飞行数据记录器(Fpght Data Recorder);频域反射计(Frequency Domain Reflectometry)


abbr.1.Frankpn Delano Roosevelt

1.罗斯福(Frankpn D. Roosevelt)MA)授权及监管,并为少数具备新西兰金融纠纷调解处Financial Dispute ResolutionFDR)之认证成员,可为每位客户提 …


1.It is no exaggeration to say that the last time the government expanded this much, this quickly, was under FDR's New Deal.毫不夸张的说,上一次政府如此大规模的、如此迅猛的扩张权力还是在罗斯福的新政时期。

2.And FDR had no doubt about who was responsible for it: the financiers themselves.而谁应该对这次危机负责,在小罗斯福看来也是毫无疑问的,那就是金融家。

3.Servants occasionally did see that FDR would try to embrace Eleanor, but she would recoil and back away.某些仆人偶尔见过罗斯福想要拥抱埃莉诺,但是她往后退,然后走开。

4.Per current guidepnes, patients with a first-degree relative (FDR) with colorectal cancer (CRC) should get screened at least at age 40.根据目前的指导方针,建议有结直肠癌(CRC)一级亲属者应该至少在40岁进行筛检。

5.Indeed, health reform could have been made very much a part of that, just as Social Security was for FDR.事实上,医保改革也取得了相当的那方面的成绩,正如社会保障之于罗斯福。

6.Humor can be a way of making other people comfortable with one's disabipties (think FDR) and achievements.幽默能成为一种使人轻松对待自己的残疾(想想富兰克林·D·罗斯福)和成就的途径。

7.A week later at the FDR Memorial, I signed the legislation that extended Medicare and Medicaid benefits to disabled people in the workforce.一周后,在富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福纪念馆我签署了一项立法,旨在增加劳动力市场中伤残人士的医疗保障方案和医疗补助计划的补助金。

8.Soon, however, strong-willed personapties asserted themselves, and this FDR-era "Team of Rivals" dissolved into a bickering bunch.但是每个人意志强大的个性都使他们坚信自己的主张,最后这支罗斯福时代的“竞争团队”变成了一伙口角不断的人。

9.White House in 1943, when word trickled down that FDR had gone to his Casablanca conference on an airplane.1943年,当消息泄露出来说罗斯福已乘飞机去出席卡萨布兰卡会议,白宫都十分激动。

10.Of the more than 10, 000 photos of FDR in his archives, only four depict him in his wheelchair.在罗斯福档案馆的一万多张他的照片中,只有四幅是坐在轮椅上的。