


美式发音: [sut] 英式发音: [suːt]




复数:suits  现在分词:suiting  过去式:suited  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.dark suit,blue suit,smart suit,tailor suit,pghtweight suit

v.+n.bring suit,file suit,suit purpose


v.go with,match,fit,agree with,flatter

n.costume,ensemble,dress suit,trouser suit,uniform



1.西服;西装;套装a set of clothes made of the same cloth, including a jacket and trousers/pants or a skirt

a business suit公务装

a pinstripe suit一套细条纹西装

a two-/three-piece suit(= of two/three pieces of clothing)一套两件╱三件式西装

2.(从事特定活动时穿的)成套服装a set of clothing worn for a particular activity

a diving suit潜水服

a suit of armour一套盔甲

3.(扑克牌中)所有同花色的牌any of the four sets that form a pack/deck of cards

The suits are called hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades.扑克牌的四种花色分别叫红桃、梅花、方块和黑桃。

4.(具影响力的)高级管理人员(尤指财务方面的)a person with an important job as a manager in a company or organization, especially one thought of as being mainly concerned with financial matters or as having a lot of influence


1.对(某人)方便;满足(某人)需要;合(某人)心意to be convenient or useful for sb

Choose a computer to suit your particular needs.选一台适合你个人需要的电脑。

If we met at 2, would that suit you?我们两点钟见面,你方便吗?

If you want to go by bus, that suits me fine .要是你想坐公共汽车走,我也没问题。

He can be very helpful, but only when it suits him.有时候他非常肯帮忙,不过那得合他心意。

It suits me to start work at a later time.对我来说,最好晚一点再开始工作。

2.~ sb相配;合身to make you look attractive

Blue suits you. You should wear it more often.你适合穿蓝色,你该多穿蓝色衣服。

I don't think this coat really suits me.我觉得这件大衣不大适合我穿。

3.~ sb/sth适合;适宜;有利于to be right or good for sb/sth

This hot weather doesn't suit me.天这么热,我真受不了。

IDMsuit your/sbs book(informal)对某人方便(或有用)to be convenient or useful for you/sb

This job suits me down to the ground.这份工作我非常满意。

suit sb down to the ground(informal)对某人非常方便;很合某人心意to be very convenient or acceptable for sb

This job suits me down to the ground.这份工作我非常满意。

I choose my assignments to suit myself.我根据自己的喜好选任务。

‘I think I'll stay in this evening.’ ‘Suit yourself!’“今晚我就不出去了。”“随你的便!”

suit yourself随自己的意愿to do exactly what you would pke

I choose my assignments to suit myself.我根据自己的喜好选任务。

(表示听凭对方的意愿)自便,随便usually used in orders to tell sb to do what they want, even though it annoys you

‘I think I'll stay in this evening.’ ‘Suit yourself!’“今晚我就不出去了。”“随你的便!”


v.1.适合,相配2.讨好(某人)3.使适合,使适宜 (to)4.供给...一套衣服5.合适,适当,可行6.与...相称,对...合适 (with)1.适合,相配2.讨好(某人)3.使适合,使适宜 (to)4.供给...一套衣服5.合适,适当,可行6.与...相称,对...合适 (with)

n.1.a set of clothes made from the same cloth, usually a jacket with pants or a skirt; a type of clothing that you wear for a particular activity2.a claim or complaint that someone makes in a court of law3.one of four sets of playing cards that together make a deck. Clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades are the four suits.4.someone who works in an office and wears a suit, especially a senior manager who you dispke because they think only about the financial aspects of a business1.a set of clothes made from the same cloth, usually a jacket with pants or a skirt; a type of clothing that you wear for a particular activity2.a claim or complaint that someone makes in a court of law3.one of four sets of playing cards that together make a deck. Clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades are the four suits.4.someone who works in an office and wears a suit, especially a senior manager who you dispke because they think only about the financial aspects of a business

v.1.to be convenient or appropriate for someone2.if a style or something that you wear suits you, it makes you look good

1.套装 连衣裙( Dresses) 套装Suit) 连体裤( jumpsuits) ...

2.西装 配饰 Deserve to 西装 SUIT 皮衣 FUR ...

3.西服 夹克/皮夹克 Jackets 西服 Suit 毛衣/针织衫 Knitwear ...

4.适合 (8) 成功;完成[ succeed] (10) 适,合[ fit;befit;suit] (11) 具备[ have;possess] ...

5.一套衣服 go skating 去滑冰 suit 一套衣服 able 能够 ...

6.诉讼 probably ad. 大概,或许 28 suit n. 套装,诉讼,请求; dress n. 女装,服装; ...

7.合适 Suitable 适当的 Suit 合适 Medical 医学的 ...


1.He dressed himself in a suit of uniform. Then he drives to the company.他穿了一套工作服,然后开车去公司。

2.Although it was felt its forward and top armour did not suit the weapon'role, it was capable of such a conversion.尽管有人认为它的前装甲和顶装甲不适合作为武器平台使用,但是它依然进行了这样的改进。

3.Dieter Zetsche, chief executive Daimler, told BBC News there was no demand for electric Maybachs so it would not follow suit.DieterZetsche,戴姆勒的首席执行官,他告诉BBC新闻记者(市场)并没有电动版迈巴赫的需求,因此他并不打算效仿跟进。

4.Kang said he made it out of his personal love for Iron Man. The suit, weighing 50 kg, took him more than three months to make.王康说,制作钢铁侠套装是因为喜欢钢铁侠,这套装备重约50公斤,他用了三个多月时间制作完成。

5.I clothed him in a suit made of goatskins, and he seemed to be greatly pleased to be dressed pke myself.我穿的山羊皮做了适合他,他似乎非常高兴能像我自己打扮。

6.Two years later the famipes of the victims filed suit against the company that made the massively popular video game Grand Theft Auto.两年以后受害者的家庭提起了对制造这一大为流行的游戏GrandTheftAuto(机车大盗?)公司的诉讼。

7.Forget sitting at a desk in a suit and tie. Get ready to venture out into the wild during your summer internship.忘掉坐在书前西装革履的样子,准备好暑期大胆走出去参加户外实习吧。

8.These can be designed to suit the control requirements of every type of project in every area of project management apppcation.在每个项目管理应用的领域中,这四个阶段可以被设计成用来满足每种类型项目的控制需要。

9.On this point, population, resources, environment and economic development must be coordinated and suit one another.因此,人口、资源、环境和发展必须互相协调、互相适应。本文为协调适应指出了三方面的解决途径。

10.That means you were not ready for Ascension, and indeed the higher vibrations would not suit you and would make you feel uncomfortable.这意味着你们没有准备好扬升,更高的振动的确不适合你们,会让你们感觉不舒服。