


美式发音: [vəˈnɪlə] 英式发音: [və'nɪlə]




复数:vanillas  同义词反义词





1.[u]香草醛,香草香精(从热带植物香子兰豆中提取,用于冰淇淋等甜食)a substance obtained from the beans of a tropical plant, also called vanilla , used to give flavour to sweet foods, for example ice cream

vanilla essence香子兰精

vanilla extract香子兰精

a vanilla pod香子兰蒴果

a vanilla bean香子兰豆


1.有香子兰香味的;香草味的flavoured with vanilla

vanilla ice cream香草冰淇淋

2.(informal)普通的;寻常的;毫无特色的ordinary; not special in any way

The city is pretty much plain vanilla.这座城市相当一般化。


n.1.a flavor used in some sweet foods, for example cakes and ice cream, that comes from the bean of a tropical plant

adj.1.made from vanilla, or with vanilla added for flavor2.of the basic ordinary type, with no special features

1.香草 蜜桃冰淇淋 peach melba 香草 vanilla 奶昔 milkshake ...

2.香子兰 杜松子 juniper 香子兰 vanilla 甘草 pquorices ...

3.香草味 (Rose 玫瑰味)50 (Vanilla 香草味)50 DJMix( 苹果味日版)60 ...

4.香草精 相信食谱是写给外国人的,里面要加香草精(Vanilla),还要用西式蛋糕盘来烤。 我有一个做中式小点心的模具,正好派上用场。

5.香草兰是香草兰(Vanilla)的主要病害.石斛(Dendroiumdensifiorum)1菌,霉素,.范黎等从马齿4种兰科植物中分离出F.solani,Richardson自 …

6.香草冰淇淋香草冰淇淋(vanilla)、巧克力冰淇淋(chocolate)、咖啡冰淇淋(coffee)、蓝姆葡萄冰淇淋(rumraisin)、草莓冰淇淋(strawbe-rry)、 …

7.香草棒这种香草棒(Vanilla)的种子,产於马达加斯加约五公斤的绿色豆荚才能做出一公斤的香草棒成品是天然香草原料中的最高等级也 …

8.香荚兰从事香荚兰VANILLA)系列产品生产厂家,、产品有香兰茶,苦丁茶,、果味茶。www.brightvanilla网址被屏蔽杭州狮峰龙井茶叶 …


1.Beat the soft cheese, yogurt, sugar and vanilla together until smooth, then spoon over the crumbs and chill until you are ready to serve.把奶酪、酸奶、糖和香草一起搅拌直到混合均匀。然后把混合好的奶油放到饼干屑上面,待凉。

2.If you're using Microsoft across the board, these hooks are great; however, if you're trying to use a vanilla SOAP implementation, beware!如果您正在使用微软的全部产品,这些钩子会很有用处;然而,如果您正在尝试用普通的SOAP实现,要注意了!

3.I've got a variety of flavors for you to choose from. I've got strawberry, peach, chocolate, coffee, vanilla and prapne.我这有好多口味让你挑,有草莓的、桃的、巧克力的、咖啡的、香草的,还有果仁的。

4.I do not know the plain vanilla, short or long period of Shannon it? a meeting with my heart, touched my emotion.不知是香草的质朴,还是它悠悠的淡香?一次次撩动着我的心,触动着我的情思。

5.Place the milk, vanilla and of the add-ins psted below in a heavy saucepan. Bring to a slow boil over medium high heat.先将牛奶,香草精和配料在一个深平底锅旁摆放好,并将加热方式从低温调至中高温。

6.The financial industry as a whole is going to become a lot more tame and plain vanilla when this is all over.当这一切都结束时,金融业作为一个整体将要变得更加安全无害和结构简单的。

7.Tight grained wood tends to impart the Oak characteristics (vanilla, spice and butter flavors) much more slowly than wood with looser grain.木材往往紧密纹路传授橡树特性(香草、香料和奶油口味)远远低于木和宽松的粮食。

8.The company launches IDP product in the form of chewing flake, with selectable flavor of vanilla, mint and strawberry for customers.公司以咀嚼片的形式推出IDP产品,共有香草、薄荷、和草莓三种口味供消费者选择。

9.A great example of all this was the great vanilla wars of Madagascar in 2002.一个很好的例子是2002年马达加斯加的香草大战。

10.Vanilla seems to me the can't-beat option for smell, but go with your favorite.香草是我最爱的香味,不过你可以选用你最爱的。