


美式发音: [ˈsʌlki] 英式发音: ['sʌlki]




比较级:sulkier  最高级:sulkiest  同义词反义词


adj.morose,angry,in a mood,resentful,cross



1.面有愠色的;生闷气的bad-tempered or not speaking because you are angry about sth

Sarah had looked sulky all morning.萨拉一上午都不高兴地板着脸。

a sulky child闷闷不乐的孩子



adj.1.feepng angry and unhappy and not wanting to talk to anyone or to be with other people; often having moods when you feel this way

1.生气的 reeky 散发臭气的 sulky 呕气的,生气的 cranky 怪癖的,不稳的 ...

2.阴沉的 sully 玷污 sulky 生气的, 阴沉的 sundry 各式各样的 ...

3.愠怒的 courtard 院子 sulky 愠怒的 old score 旧仇,宿怨 ...

4.绷着脸的 ... reluctant 不情愿的;勉强的 sulky 生气的;绷着脸的 escort 护卫;护送(n)/护卫(v) ...

5.闷闷不乐 ... 乐团 orchestra;band 闷闷不乐 unhappy;sulky;moody;depressed 闷葫芦 ;complete mystery;taciturn person ...

6.生闷气的 startle 使受惊,使吓一跳 sulky 生闷气的 indignation 愤怒不平 ...

7.汗珠顺着他那闷闷不乐鞋匠一句话也不说,沉甸甸的面包压在背上,汗珠顺着他那闷闷不乐(sulky)的脸颊直往下淌。小裁缝却很快活,蹦蹦跳跳,摘 …


1.Old Mr. Bouncer, very sulky , was huddled up in a corner, barricaded with a chair.老蹦跳者先生,很生气的,在角落里缩成一团,以一把椅子挡著。

2.She will then turn to me with a sulky face and in a childish voice ask me, "baby can you get me some water? "通常这时,她都会撅起小嘴,孩子气地和我说道:“亲爱的,能递给我一些水吗?”

3.She certainly was a fool, and would have a fool for her husband, and a very sulky discontented husband too if she had taken me.她确实是一个傻瓜,她也只好找一个傻瓜做丈夫。如果她嫁给了我,我会成为一个怨气冲天,愁眉不展的丈夫。

4.Rita is dressed-sort of-in a bathing suit, one hand behind her head, her eyes half-closed, those full, sulky red pps parted.你也许对这张海报还有印象,穿着游泳衣的她一只手放在头上,眼睛半开半合,两片丰满红润的嘴唇微微张开。

5.'Well, be off, then! ' said the Pigeon in a sulky tone, as it settled down again into its nest.“哼,那就滚开!”鸽子生气地说着,同时又飞下去钻进它的窝里了。

6.Sometimes, pke a sulky child, he would complain to the Mother about the crowds, who gave him no rest day or night.有时候,他像一个生气的孩子,向母亲抱怨那些人白天和晚上都不让他休息。

7.Young Thomas expressed these sentiments sitting astride a chair before the fire, with his arms on the back, and his sulky face on his arms.小托马斯双腿胯开坐在壁炉前的一张椅子上发表了这些意见,他的两只胳膊放在椅背上,托着他那张闷闷不乐的脸。

8.I see that Basil is in one of his sulky moods.我觉得贝西尔现在情绪很低沉。

9.But even this pouty pair struggle to look sulky decked out in the latest celebrity trend: bunny ears.但是即使这不太高兴的姐妹佩戴了时下最新的名人趋势——兔子耳朵,这让他们看起来不同凡响。

10.And mine is that you should see why I have always been such a sulky brute to you, and so slow to forget old scores.你应该明白我为什么对待你总是像一头光火动怒的野兽,为什么迟迟不能捐弃前嫌。