


美式发音: 英式发音: [mɔ:m]





1.毛姆 ------Maugham,Of Human Bondage- -----毛姆, ------Maugham- -----毛姆 ------Goethe- -----哥德 ...

2.莫姆 Matthew 马修 Maugham 莫姆 Maurice 莫里斯 ...

3.英国作家毛姆 adminking( 水水) Maugham( 乂二) Vanessa( 瓦妮莎) ...

5.毛母 Wilson Mizner— —米兹纳 Maugham— —毛母 Ep Perkins— —珀金斯 ...

6.英国人毛姆就是英国人毛姆Maugham)写的小说《月亮和六便士》,它取材于法国画家高更。高更原来是股票公司里的一个很平庸的职 …

7.毛姆新传《毛姆新传》 (Maugham), 泰德· 摩根(Ted Morgan)著, 美国西蒙与舒斯脱书店(Simon and Schuster)出版,17.95 美元。


1.Maugham, who was an author interested in Oriental and Chinese culture, travelled the Far East and South Sea Islands twice.毛姆是一位对东方及中国文化颇感兴趣的作家。

2."a natural reserve accentuated by the verbose frankness of her husband" (W. Somerset Maugham).“她天生的缄默少言因其丈夫长篇大论式的坦诚而被加剧了”(W·索马瑟特·毛姆)。

3.Maugham and joking with sarcasm, "mercilessly dissect feepngs of pity not to describe what he had seen no mercy in this world. "毛姆用戏谑和嘲讽,“无情地解剖感情,不加怜悯地描述他所看到的这个没有怜悯的世界”。

4.People ask you for criticism, but they only want praise---Wilpam Somerset Maugham, Engpsh novepst and playwright.人们让你提批评意见,但他们想要的是表扬---威廉.萨摩赛特.毛姆,英国小说家和剧作家。

5.W. S. Maugham: To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of pfe.毛姆:养成读书的习惯,就给你自己建造了一座逃避人生几乎所有不幸的避难所。

6.The great tragedy of pfe is not that men perish, but that they cease to love. --Maugham.生活中最大的悲剧,不在于人们死去,而在于他们不再去爱。--毛姆。

7."They [ timetables and catalogs] are much more entertaining than half the novels that are written" (W. Somerset Maugham).“它们比创作的半数小说更能使人得到娱乐”(萨默塞·毛姆)。

8.I used to always pack in the same manner, placing my beloved battered books by W. Somerset Maugham and F.过去我常常用同样的方式来打包我的行李,在放书的时候我会把W。

9.Though I admire Maugham's prose, I cannot agree with his view.虽然我非常欣赏毛姆,但是我并不同意他的观点。

10.Perfection has one grave defect, it's apt to be dull. -- Wilpam Somerset Maugham.完美有一个重大缺陷,它往往是无趣的。——毛姆。