




1.苏门答腊虎苏门答腊虎Sumatran tiger)是现生虎亚种中体形最小的,雄虎体长2.4米,重120公斤;雌虎体长2.2米,重90公斤。苏门答 …

2.苏门达腊虎  苏门达腊虎Sumatran Tiger),体型最小,雄性体重100-150kg ,雌性体重75-100kg,脸部周围的颊毛较长,胡须也长,全 …

3.苏门答腊幼虎  5个月大的猩猩和濒临灭绝的苏门答腊幼虎(Sumatran tiger )都被他们的母亲抛弃了。印尼动物医院把这两个小家伙放到了一块。


1.At the Taman Safari Zoo in Indonesia, one-month-old Sumatran tiger twins and a pair of baby orangutans shared a room in the zoo's nursery.在印度尼西亚的塔曼野生动物园,一对一个月大的苏门答腊虎双胞胎和两只小猩猩一起生活在动物园的保育室。

2.His career began when he took over his parents' zoo in Queensland to help breed endangered creatures, such as the Sumatran tiger.史蒂夫·欧文的职业生涯开始于他接管自己父母位于昆士兰的一家动物园,他在该动物园内一直致力于诸如苏门答腊虎等濒危野生动物的繁育工作。

3.A six-month-old male Sumatran tiger cub rests under his mother careful watch at the National Zoo in Washington in October 2004.这是只六个月大的雄性苏门答腊虎幼崽,正在妈妈的悉心呵护下休息,摄于2004年10月华盛顿国家公园。

4.Damai (a female Sumatran tiger) jumped at the start of the earthquake in a startled fashion.达麦(苏门答腊母虎)在地震开始的时候震惊地跳动。

5.The wild population of the Sumatran tiger is estimated at between 400 and 500 animals. They pve mainly in the island's national parks.目前,世界上存活的苏门答腊虎估计有400只至500只,它们大都生活在爪哇岛的国家公园内。

6.Two Sumatran tiger cubs play in their enclosure in the Prague Zoo in the Czech Repubpc on September 2, 2011.9月2号,捷克共和国布拉格动物园里两只苏门答腊小虎崽在笼中嬉戏着。

7.The most endangered cats is the Sumatran tiger in the wild, only 20 states.最为濒危猫科动物是苏门答腊虎,在野生状态下只有20只。