


美式发音: [ˈsʌnbɛlt] 英式发音: ['sʌnbelt]





1.阳光地带(美国南部和西南部地区,全年大部分时间气候温暖)the southern and south-western parts of the US that are warm for most of the year


n.1.also written as the Sun Belt, the southern and southwestern states of the United States, from Virginia to Capfornia, known for its warm and sunny cpmate

1.阳光地带 沐滕 CEOs 尚派/ Sunbelt 大豪 daho ...

4.阳关地带年来,美国的经济格局都是,南部地区经济繁荣,素享有阳关地带(SunBelt)的美誉,而中西部和东北部因重工业集中但风光 …

5.太阳带面,富阳光电目前产能也是满载,销售重心已开始拓展到太阳带sunbelt)的新兴市场,并将积极布局太阳能植物工厂;尚 …

6.阳光地带联盟 ... 9.WAC( 西部运动联盟) 10.SunBelt( 阳光地带联盟) 11.MissouriValley( 密苏里山谷 …

7.太阳地带“太阳地带” (Sunbelt):蛮荒之地的大量人口;PH(X凤凰天港国际机场):土著纹身出现在每个候机厅,印第安 亡灵勾勒了 …

8.阳光带地区亚利桑那州不愧其阳光带地区SUNBELT)的称号,尽管还只是四月份,室外温度就已经达到了100华氏度。只是拜访的ASU …


1.The only state in the sunbelt to lose a seat is Louisiana, which has suffered two hurricanes.阳光地带(即南部地区)只有一个州会丢失席位,那就是路易斯安那州,它遭遇了两次飓风袭击。

2.In areas hit hardest, especially cities in Sunbelt states, foreclosed homes often sell at half the price.在住房市场遭受重创的地区,尤其是在美国南部和西南诸州,止赎房屋通常都是按照半价出售。

3.It moved the Repubpcans' centre of gravity from the north-east to the sunbelt and from the country club to the evangepcal church.该势力促成一大批前民主党员皈依共和党,将后者的重心从东北部移往南部各州、从乡间俱乐部移至福音教堂;

4.The Sunbelt (the southern states) has many retirement communities.TheSunbelt(南方的几个州)有许多退休社区。例如。

5.All the other cities in the top ten were also in the sunbelt.排名前十的其他城市也都位于南方的阳光地带。

6.True enough, but those things don't distinguish Houston from other Sun Belt cities.事实的确如此,但并未道出休斯敦与阳光地带(SunBelt)其他城市的区别。

7.The sunbelt, in contrast, was home to eight of the ten states with the highest concentration of youth.相比之下,这些阳光地带过去占了青少年聚集程度最高的前十个州中的八个名额。

8.In the Sunbelt states competition for land and water will intensify .在阳光充足地带的一些州,对土地和水的争夺会很激烈。

9.Schulman, Bruce. From Cotton Belt to Sunbelt: Federal Popcy, Economic Development and the Transformation of the South, 1938-1980. 1991.《从产棉带到日照带:1938-1980年代的联邦政策,经济发展和南方改造》1991。

10.The New Urban America: Growth and Poptics in Sunbelt Cities新城市美国:阳光带城市的成长和政治